During S & P, I will give the DX station 2 or maybe 3 contacts to identify. If he does not, I dump in my call and ask for his. That is faster for me because I am usually able to prevail in S & P, esp
HERE, HERE ! Equalizing all out of country contacts should have been done DECADES ago, IMHO. It is sheer non-sense to introduce variable contact point value by continent (distance may be an interesti
Re: points for adjacent Zones, etc. Do we REALLY want to encourage SAME COUNTRY QSO's, for points, in the CQ WW DX Contest? I DON'T THINK SO ! Re: Moving the CQ WW CW contest dates The only open week
Paul is right-on about this. AGC keeps the audio output constant by reducing receiver gain. The strongest signal dominates. The dB difference between 150 W and 100 W is exactly the same as the dB dif
On Sat, 8 Aug 1998 16:50:56 -0700 "Bruce Sawyer" <N6NT@worldnet.att.net> writes: book. check Bruce, I believe you are confusing the OUTGOING BUREAU charges with the INCOMING BUREAU. Ever since the in
CAPTURE may not be the best word for the effect, but the strongest signal WILL set the AGC voltage, which is used to reduce IF gain for mid range signals and then RF gain for stronger signals. A chan
percentage A "pregnant pause" after sending the CQ ZONE exchange is a good indicator of when a DX stations "gets it", i.e. that one's zone is NOT the same as the default. Those of us in Alabama, Tenn
On Fri, 14 Aug 1998 01:20:25 +0100 "Barry Kutner" <w2up@mindspring.com> writes: The AGC will equilaze audio output from different signals ONLY when there is only one signal in the receiver passband.
That beacon has been there since the beginning of time. You can also hear it short path around 0200Z. If you look at the sunrise and sunset lines, they crossover SE UL7. According to W3LPL, some Russ
Doug, Previously you stated that TAPING a log and transcribing it AFTER the contest was OK as long as the other station's call was SENT correctly DURING the contest. You HAVE NOT answered my previous
A question, and an answer, at the end (Big Snip). de N4KG 2,121,395 SNIP two EASY. The MAGNETIC North Pole is displaced towards North America, giving N. A. the LOWEST MUF's in the World for the same
TS-830 Frequency Display The digital readout on the TS-830 (and 530) represents the zero-beat carrier frequency. Of course, no one listens to zero beat on CW and therefore, the receiver must be tuned
VE9AA et. al. de N4KG - In my humble and biased opinion, the TS-830 is one of the "Best Buys" from the 80's (if not the BEST period). I own three of them and I love 'em! Some consider it to be the KW
Angle of radiation is a function of antenna height NOT boom length. Yes, a longer boom (higher gain) antenna will have a narrower pattern in the vertical plane but the high angle cutoff of both anten
Wouldn't it be nice to have a prefix contest where all prefixes are created equal? Unfortunately, the CQ WPX contest has this ridiculous country bias where contacts in your own country are ZERO point
OF COURSE YOU DO! The table is tilted in your favor. I hope every 1X2, 1X3, and 2#3 And they will, because they will all want your rare KW4 prefix/multiplier. But those same stations who call you are
Jim I respectfully disagree. Are you suggesting that no one should work fellow countrymen for multipliers, or even same continent contacts in the WPX contest? Don't hold your breath! I'm just asking
Jan - SM2EKM de N4KG We have already seen that Caribbean stations (2 pts /NA) cannot compete with South Americans who get 3 points/NA QSO. And you want to deprive USA stations even 1 point for workin
On Sat, 22 Mar 1997 02:42:41 VK1FF / WB2FFY <VK1FF@contesting.com> writes: (It's a PREFIX CONTEST, for ALL PREFIXes - de N4KG) It's not (Every contest has it's own flavor: Domestic, DX to DX, Everybo