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N4KG: Re: [CQ-Contest] WPX Contest

Subject: N4KG: Re: [CQ-Contest] WPX Contest
From: n4kg@juno.com (T. A. Russell)
Date: Thu Mar 27 04:34:32 1997
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From: N4KG
To: VK1FF@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] WPX Contest
Message-ID: <19970326.103904.9990.4.N4KG@juno.com>
References: <>

On Sat, 22 Mar 1997 02:42:41 VK1FF / WB2FFY <VK1FF@contesting.com>
>>Are you suggesting that no one should work fellow countrymen for
>>multipliers, or even same continent contacts in the WPX contest?
>No problem with same continent, but I don't agree with working
>fellow countryman in an international DX contest.

(It's a PREFIX CONTEST, for ALL  PREFIXes  -  de N4KG)

 It's not
>allowed in ARRL DX, CQ WW DX (except zone mult), and many others.  

(Every contest has it's own flavor: Domestic, DX to DX,
Everybody to Everybody...WPX and ARRL TEN METER are 
Everybody to Everybody type contests.  - de N4KG)
>>I'm just asking for a level playing field.  Aren't you glad I didn't
>Have you ever contested from the south Pacific?   A level playing
>field is EXACTLY what we're talking about.
> (You are in a TOUGH location to compete, I agree.  de N4KG)

>I can call for several minutes trying to break a US pileup into
>the Carribean to get a new country multiplier (or zone for CQ WW DX)
>even if the Carribean station is 10 over here.   We geographically
>can't compete with the short haul QSOs.   The situation will only
>get worse with intra-country contacts.  

>(How are the pileups to the Caribbean going to be any different with
an intra-country QSO point change?   I don't agree with that statement.
As far as working USA stations, I doubt you will feel much impact.
In the TEN METER contest, we work DX when we can work DX, and
work each other when there is nothing else to work.  The BEST way
for you to work USA is to CALL  CQ and let us call you.  USA-USA
contact point value won't have much impact on that.  - de N4KG)

>And how about trying to make grayline contacts into Europe on 40M
>while they work amongst themselves.  

(Agree.  Would you like to suggest that all European to European 
contacts should also be reduced to ZERO points so the VK's will
have a better chance to work Europe in the WPX contest?  And then
all Asia to Asia as well, after all, what's good for one region
(continent) should be good for all, right? - de  N4KG)
>I think you'd be absolutely amazed at the difference between how
>easy (and fun) it is to work stations in the CQ WW DX and CQ WPX
>contests.   If WPX gets worse, it will certainly drop off my
>calendar (at least from a serious competition stand point).
(The only way you (VK/ZL/etc) won't be up against Eu-Eu or 
NA-NA competition is if the rest of the world is only trying to work YOU.
If that is what you want, enter the VK/ZL contest.  de N4KG)

>>And there seems to be an interest in returning to the original 30 
>>format.  (Notice that there was no consideration of old records when
>There are several DXers down here who like the 30 hour idea.   It at
>least puts us in the same ball park.  (Yes, that is someting we can all
agee on!  de N4KG)
>BTW, hope to see you on the bands sometime this weekend.
>73, Jim VK1FF/WB2FFY
>Internet Email:        VK1FF@contesting.com
>Amateur Radio Packet:  VK1FF@VK1KCM.ACT.AUS.OC
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