Barry: The use of Morse Code for the CW mode was "perhaps" invented as a "language" for humans. But it originated as a visual mode, ink on paper tape. Samuel F B Morse's original Land line operators
Lettuce awl go back to coherer receivers, sp*rk gap transmitters, and logs on slate written by hand using chalk. We don't need all this fancy "supposedly better" technoloigy, What was good for Marcon
Yes, the 3 year celebration of the organization of the Michigan State Parks, now a division of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, begins on 1 April 2017, ad run through till December 31, 2
So, how do we limit "random" spotting by friends (or paid spotters) made in advance and coordinated by a third party? I say this, because in the early daze of NPOTA (where self spotting is allowed) I
Multi to me means a fellow or group which has megabuckz to devote to ham radio. For those contests which do NOT have a separate multi-single, it probably discriminates against the multi-single (and m
For anyone not working during those hours, please partake of the Solar Eclipse QSO Party, 21 Aug 2017 1400 2200 UTC This gives us amateur radio operators a great opportunity to participate in a scien
Pete: This may be a once in a lifetime use of amateur radio for such an experiment. I wish the best to the group who will be analyzing these data - because it will be hard to figure "normal vagaries
Lettuce remember that the Ohio QSO Party is this coming weekend, on Saturday August 26, beginning at 1600Z, and ending on Sunday August 27 at 0400Z. There are multipliers by mode, i.e. if one works W
Who "sanctions" 4U1ITU and 4U1UN for examples. 4U1ITU has been in many contests, not sure of in CW WW contests, but I'm >99.44% sure that it is one of the "HQ" stations for the IARU World Champions
Seems to me that CQ WPX wants to "do it their way. " Tis certainly among the prerogatives of how the contest is organizes. Alas, neither tradition nor past precedent holds water with the current "GRA
Folks seem to be complaining that there were no stations to work on Sunday. However, propagation "sucked" on both daze, and were worse on Sunday than on Saturday. I had a reasonable time working stat
It doesn't matter what YOUR software calculates. It only matters what the Log Checkers calculate. Once I sent Zone 7 instead of Zone 8 for an entire contest, even though I was in zone 8. I don't r
Good news, great idea, to help those devastated by hurricanes! I don't know how far $10,000 will go to repair the damage, but all support is sure to be appreciated! Congrats to WWROF for its philan
I know that back in the days when recording of autopatches was "a good idea" to protect possible "commercial use", one group with which I was associated used a stereo recorder, feeding the audio from
Yep, if one has a common name, there ARE busted calls and more asks for repeats. But, it eliminates the possibility of people using "ASSISTANCE" in the use of info received from OTHERS via a "CALLS
Methinketh folks who like to air their dirty laundry in publich (like discussing WRTC politics in the CQ Contest reflector, are disingeneous. If folks in the [WRTC2018] reflector oh fishy alley want
Yep, and Jamaica (or is it Bermuda?) enters the bobsled race in the winter Olympics, even though they have NO sn*w and NO practice runs in that country, and NO chance of winning. They enter to "show
Again, we could and should resolve this issue by banning every mode for contesting except sp*rk Gap transmission and coherrer detectors. NEVER include anything which is newer than 1910. But, from wha
Methinketh the 2026 WRTC should be some place in Oceania or eastern Asia. Outer Mongolia in Eastern Asia strikes me as one place for it. Maybe Eater Island in Oceania ? Why do we ALWAYS have places
If you really want an egalitarian way to choose participants in the "olympics of ham Radio", (which is what WRTC attempts to be), then Allow anyone who placed in he upper 10 percentile of scores wit