I beg to differ, in fact 3l = l if you pick the right values for l, say 0.... There are other mathematical systems which would lead to other values for l. You assume common layman numerical systems .
Get you and your station tuned up for the start of the next contest season. Join me (N6RNO the new chairman) in the premiere state QSO party, the California QSO Party. This is a ton of fun and has gr
Here we go. The California QSO Party is next weekend. Begins: 1600 UTC - 4 October 2008 Ends: 2159 UTC - 5 October 2008 Are you ready. My team has been working hard to get our counties covered. Perso
I have been working off and on learning code. From all the research and studies I have seen, there are two basic considerations for learning code for contesting: 1) Learning to type... this is criti
I have also tapped my local CQP team resources to try and better understand all the issues with running a successful contest. There is a wealth of knowledge and wisdom on my team. I believe Dean N6DE
... The California QSO Party does allow CA stations to work other CA stations. We log them just like everyone else with the county QTH. The counties are however lumped as one "CA" mult when logged b
The California QSO Party is using a new log server this year. You do not have to remember a userid and password. We ask you to enter your email twice to confirm you are a human and not a robot. There
OK Claimed page now shows all the accepted logs. It also now lists the "Claimed Club". This could be useful for Club log floggers.... The fixed page is: http://cqplogs.appspot.com/claimed.jsp Next to
The "claimed" page now lists total logs and displays more than 10 logs. The QSO count appears to be accurate now. Let me know if you upload and the count is wrong. The QTH is more reliably extracted.
OK, I did a study in 2014/2015 of all the software decoders I could get my hands on at the time and noted that Skimmer was simply the best for decode. It offers multi-channel decode which is importan