Thanks to Yankee Clipper Contest Club for sponsoring the South America SOAB (winner) in the CQ WW DX SSB 2017 Contest. I received it few days ago. Appreciated! 73 Yuri VE3DZ Also P40T and PZ5T ______
I might not be politically correct, but why not to mention that one of the all of the DXpeditions' goals is to try to maximize the overall QSO count in order to get more donation? That's what hiding
I'd like to thank John W2GD for taking his time to comment on my post. Obviously, opinion of such well known and famous contester and Dxpeditioner is greatly appreciated here. Also thanks to the Mode
I think with such high popularity of Contest Dinner, maybe it's about time to think about relocating it to some other place? With over 500 people, there is hardly some space left and it's really hard
RAC Canada Winter Contest is a 24-hour event. Amateurs all over the world are invited to participate. Contest Period: 0000 UTC to 2359 UTC December 28, 2019. Good opportunity to prove that propagatio
And I'm not fine with that. They ought to be. Yuri VE3DZ Contest and DXCC rules are not always in sync, and they don't have to be. I am fine with that. All part of the game. 73 Ria, N2RJ On Sun, 2 Fe
" Why should they be?" - Because multipliers in the contests like CQ WW and ARRL are based on DXCC. And a lot of people participate in these contests just to collect more countries for this prestigio
« +WAE»- So? Does DARC allow remote receivers within 100 km to be used? And allows such QSO to be claimed towards achieving WAE award? What if the operator used remote receiver to make a QSO on 80 or
.... Then why do we have a referee at each WRTC team location? We all know there are top notch - best of the best - contesters. Do we suspect some of them (or all) may cheat? 73, Yuri VE3DZ _________
Oh, so discrepancies are allowed sometimes? When? And what kind? If someone participates in Contest where High Power limit is 1500 km, but in order to work a new country for DXCC award (which by coi
Yes, Bob, you got it! This is what is being promoted as a future of HAM Radio. All you have to do now is to own a computer and save some $$$ to pay for the remote access to one of the "big stations"
Ron, I wont waste my time either to fuel your argument for the sake of argument. My point was and is even simpler than yours if some event is based on certain award, then the rules of this event shou
I had same problem with my TO4A call this past weekend. Even some of the "big guns" had real hard time understanding my call. So, I minimized my S&P. Dont know, maybe because it was not in a database
Try sending "5NN N" for about 48 hours... 73 VE3DZ Though EE5E had the slight advantage that it was very easy to type: just two keys to find. A lot easier than typing KG5HVO's name (BRYANT), though w
I have simpler question to Russian DXC committee: I call CQ TEST on 14010 and IK3ITX calls me. Very loud. We exchanged the numbers, everything seemed to be O.K. Confirmation from both sides. No QRM.
Gentlemen, I suggest we should create an online poll, where EVERYONY could vote for HIS favorite phonetics, instead of posting it here as individual message. 73 Yuri VE3DZ --Original Message-- From:
Yes, UBN is a very strong and convincing tool. A UBN for RDXC 2001 motivated me to change my (then very good) call VA3UZ to (not so good) VE3DZ in 2002. :-) As for "MD" - the best cure IMO would be "
Any word from CQ officials on what's going to happen to CQ WPX Contest now? Thanks. Yuri VE3DZ After seven years as the volunteer Director of the CQ WPX SSB & CWContests, I have made the decision to
My reservation wasn't in any "Block". I'm one of those guys who is usually filling the form for the next year right at the hotel's front desk upon "Check-out". I called about a month ago to cancel my
Finally a wise comment. Thanks, Peter. As I've always said: A "Motorist - Pedestrian" issue. 73, VE3DZ Jeff, That is not dual cqing, it is interleaved operation on two bands. Only one signal can be t