Jim, I don't know if you've ever lived on the east coast, but I have, for most of my hamming career. Now I reside in Colorado on about the same longitude as N2IC in NM. Even if you're louder being on
I was looking at the AA CW contest scores reported on 3830scores.com and noted not one JA score listed there. Going to the JARL logs received page, there are 100+ JA logs already sent in. Odd? Barry
Why is he hurt? He cheated and got caught, finally. Barry W2UP 73! Vasiliy K3IT The big question is he the only one? Maybe there are others that haven't been caught yet? Unbelievable he got away with
I just reviewed my LCR from ARRL CW, and 5 guys copied my state as PA (I'm in CO.) I last contested from PA in 2008. Update those prefills! AT least the number is smaller than last year. I think it w
My answer to cut numbers (other than 9 and 0) is NR? until I get numbers. Barry W2UP On 7/30/2015 18:27, Ktfrog007-- via CQ-Contest wrote: Use 'em or lose 'em. 0 = T 1 = A 2 = U 3 = V 4 = 4 5 = E 6 =
I agree with Ken. Contest rules mean nothing, unless the operator/station intends to submit a log for award consideration. Barry W2UP On 8/2/2015 13:34, JIM NEIGER wrote: Let me get this straight, Ke
NIL Bands pretty punk in the western US, too. 40m sounded more like 160 last night, so I didn't last long :-) Barry W2UP On 8/8/2015 04:16, Bob Kupps via CQ-Contest wrote: Hi the bands are terrible h
That's because you're loud :-) -If a guy doesn't copy my call or number correctly the first time and then asks for QTC, I say NIL. -If it's 80m, I say NIL. If it's 40m (from 0-land) unless he's loud,
The AA contest has been this way for as long as I've operated this contest (which will be no more, as I've been operating LP only for several years). That is, LP for Asians, no LP for non-Asians. Bar
How many of us would be CQ Magazine subscribers if it weren't for the contest results? Barry W2UP That formula holds in reverse: the fewer readers, then you have fewer advertisers each willing to pay
I am participating in the Colorado QSO Party today, not the CWOps test. Exchange for the COQP (outside CO) is name and state, not name and number. That's why I was asking you for state - for MY conte
It also ties in with the no ID issue in that it's a case of "my time is more important than your time." If I call someone and they haven't responded by the time I count to three after my call is comp
What do you expect, it's SSB :-) I was just casually tuning, giving out a few points to friend in the Caribb. I heard a VE5 on 20 last night ending every QSO with "Thank you, seventy three, q r z." N
Use ear buds or very lightweight headphones, like these: http://www.amazon.com/Sony-MDR-W08L-Vertical-In-The-Ear-Headphones/dp/B00005N6KG Ear buds will work better in a multi or other noisy environme
Yes, automation is on the way. Last month I drove from Denver to Vegas and back with no foot on the pedal and no hands on the steering wheel for 1400 of the 1700 mile trip. Compared to that, automate
A youtube video (I found a short one) is worth 1000 words: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yCAZWdqX_Y Barry W2UP Chuck, W5PR Yes, automation is on the way. Last month I drove from Denver to Vegas an
Not really. Both ARRL and CQ post receipt of logs as they arrive, and it includes category info. Barry W2UP 73, Julio VE3FH Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android ___________________________________________
Based on existing rules, they do qualify for either category. However, it is a sleazy thing to do. Other sports are irrelevant to this situation. Only thing that can be done is change the rules for f
Either continue the category you started and hope for better condx next year, or be a checklog for the year. It's like buying an "all sales are final item." No returns! Barry W2UP So if I declare for
Non-sequitur. Originally, I planned to drive 2 hours each way to be part of a M/S operation. I didn't feel well, so I stayed home to operate part-time single-op/single band (assisted). How is that si