Friends: The Louisiana Contest Club has 2 seats available at our table for the Dayton Contest Dinner at the Crown Plaza. We'd love to have you join us! 1. K5ER 2. W5WZ 3. KG5VK 4. K4GM 5. KC5WA 6. K5
Pete, the schedules are posted at --Scott, W5WZ Seems like usually by now we've seen programs for the antenna and contest forums at Dayto
Friends: The Louisiana Contest Club has 2 seats available at our table for the Dayton Contest Dinner at the Crown Plaza. We'd love to have you join us! 1. K5ER 2. W5WZ 3. KG5VK 4. K4GM 5. KC5WA 6. K5
I have one ticket to the contest dinner available at the table with the Louisiana Contest Club. As I am in Dayton now, please contact me via cell phone 318-355-2220. --Scott, W5WZ ___________________
Friends: The Louisiana Contest Club has 1 seat available at our table for the Dayton Contest Dinner at the Crown Plaza. We'd love to have you join us! 1. W5WZ 2. KN5O 3. K4GM 4. K5SL 5. guest of K5SL
Louisiana Contest Club Officers, 2011-2012 contest season President - Mark Ketchell K5ER Vice-President - Charlie Morrison KI5XP Secretary/Tre
Friends: The Louisiana Contest Club has 1 seat available at our table for the Dayton Contest Dinner at the Crown Plaza. We'd love to have you join us! 1. W5WZ - Scott Dickson 2. K5ER - Mark Ketchell
We have another ticket available. Already in Dayton. Call 318-355-2220 Scott Dickson, W5WZ Sent via DroidX2 on Verizon Wireless Send CQ-Contest mailing list submissions to T
I've had great luck using an ART HeadAmp 4 Headphone Amp with 4 Free Headphones I buy them from 130664924190?pt=LH_Default
David, I have a stack of two C-51XR + one C-31XR. I feed each band separately on each antenna, for a total of 11 feedlines down the tower for these three booms. The performance kicks butt. Follow the
Looking for lodging for Friday night. Anyone got space at the Crown Plaza or nearby? Room in or near Dayton for Friday night May 19 for me and my daughter. --Scott, W5WZ _____________________________
Fellow hams and contesters: I apologize for the length of this post; however, the story contained is relevant, because it addresses how I at the young age of 13 was attracted to ham radio and then in
NU1AW/5 IARU will be operating from Louisiana! --Scott Dickson, W5WZ for the Louisiana Contest Club _______________________________________________ CQ-Contest mailing list h
I am in the area for a few days. Are there any ham radio activities or must do/see places? Electronic stores other than TVs / consumer electronics box stores? Reply direct to me please. Scott W5WZ W5
Randy, I've also struggled with issues with QSORDER, N1MM+, MK2R+ My issue is I can only get one side of the QSO, either theirs or mine, but never both. In my windows properties for the microphone US
I can only speak to the use of multiple feedlines on C-31XRs. It works very well! I currently have an SO2R station with a single tower install of a pair of C51XR and a C31XR (essentially THREE stacke
I use ICE 419B band pass filters between my transceivers and amplifiers. They work, but I realize that others may work better. To my knowledge, these are the players in the low power (200 watt) autom
I'm going to be in Austin Friday thru Sunday, and would sure like to visit a station or operate in the contest while in the area. Any opportunities? --Scott W5WZ _____________________________________
Dimitri, You are correct, I use coax stub filters after the amps and SixPack. --Scott, W5WZ That said, I don't
Ray W2RE was with me in the Dayton flea market around 2010 or 2012 when I saw this AL-1200. He told me he had a couple, and they were good contesting amps. So, I bought it. Turns out, his call sign i