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References: [ +from:k8dd: 68 ] [ at: 5153 ] [ 53 ]

Total 8 documents matching your query.

1. [ct-user] Paddle intout to the computer (score: 148)
Author: k8dd at (Hank Kohl K8DD)
Date: Wed Mar 19 01:20:21 2003
I've used the paddle input on the "other" logging program. Never had much of a problem with the paddle speed being the same as the computer generated speed. On the other hand I have become fairly fas
/archives//html/CT-User/2003-03/msg00065.html (9,419 bytes)

2. [ct-user] Upgrade computer strategy (score: 147)
Author: k8dd at (Hank Kohl K8DD)
Date: Wed Aug 6 00:58:19 2003
Had it working with changes to NETTSR. CT-DOS uses a different port than CT-Win. Think I remember confirming the port numbers with network sniffer last year. Dug back through the archived ct-user fil
/archives//html/CT-User/2003-08/msg00017.html (11,336 bytes)

3. [ct-user] 9.90.006 (score: 146)
Author: k8dd at (Hank Kohl K8DD)
Date: Mon Jun 2 09:38:49 2003
Sounds like you got an incomplete download. Mine worked fine - Windows properties report it as being 2.34Mb 73 Hank K8DD */ */ Hank Kohl K8DD */
/archives//html/CT-User/2003-06/msg00004.html (7,191 bytes)

4. [ct-user] crash with WRITELOG (score: 145)
Author: k8dd at (Hank Kohl K8DD)
Date: Tue Jul 1 10:34:49 2003
I had the same thing on a Dell2650/WinXP pro/CTwin 990-007. Crashed every time I did a WRITELOG. Since you only need a Dupe sheet, do a WRITEDUPE and if you want a summary sheet, do a WRITESUM. The d
/archives//html/CT-User/2003-07/msg00001.html (9,509 bytes)

5. [ct-user] Icom 751A (score: 145)
Author: k8dd at (Hank Kohl K8DD)
Date: Tue Jun 17 18:03:29 2003
I'd wire a paddle into the LPT keying plug and get fast on the ALT-F9/F10 keys. It would be nice if ALT-V would toggle between two preset speeds. 73 Hank K8DD
/archives//html/CT-User/2003-06/msg00032.html (6,876 bytes)

6. [ct-user] ct manual (score: 145)
Author: k8dd at (Hank Kohl K8DD)
Date: Thu May 1 10:57:47 2003
Ken .... if you have the manual in word, wordperfect or even works format I can convert it to a pdf. and i've got the time to do it (as long as no more of my old customers find me!) not sure what fra
/archives//html/CT-User/2003-05/msg00001.html (9,256 bytes)

7. [ct-user] CT as freeware (score: 145)
Author: k8dd at (Hank Kohl K8DD)
Date: Wed Apr 30 08:41:57 2003
/archives//html/CT-User/2003-04/msg00098.html (7,818 bytes)

8. [ct-user] DXpedition mode and 9.90.007 (score: 143)
Author: k8dd at (Hank Kohl K8DD)
Date: Fri Jun 27 13:49:13 2003
Wonder if anyone else has noticed ..... DXpedition mode with the DOS version .... Type in 18068 for 17Meters and the radio goes to 1806.8 .... on both the K2 and the IC-746. 73 Hank K8DD
/archives//html/CT-User/2003-06/msg00077.html (6,851 bytes)

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