trango 8Mb -- Original Message -- From: href= John Maxwell To: href= Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 8:52 AM Subject: [Karlne
I have a COR running v4.15 with one interface set as a sattelite for backhaul and the other as ISPbase w/ protocol filtering. The device is powered across about 150' of cat5. The device is rebooting
The towers are 5 miles apart and the channel plan was changed due to interference. The new tower has our gear at 475' and things changed since we did the survey at the site. The SNR between the APs w
We also picked up an unknown AP on this new tower... (it wasn't named anything other than Wavepoint(something or other)) It certainly isn't ours but was sitting on our channel (grr). Do you think the
YES PLEASE IMPLEMENT THIS! -- Original Message -- From: href= Dan Metcalf To: href= Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 9:32 AM Sub
it's a Wavepoint IIe (rs-232) I am sure the processor isn't getting overloaded. It might not be getting the power it needs. This has just been happening too often to be load alone. -bob -- Original M
Sorry... This is TC not 11b. -bob -- Original Message -- From: href= Charles Chia Sheng Wu To: href= Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 9:45
How about the rest of these Aperto products...... Are they any good? PacketWave 110 for residential subscribers Bridging; support for up to 5 hosts PacketWave 120 for small office, home office subscr
I only see that much noise at one site. But it makes the huge jumps like that as well. I have bad power there though...maybe that is it? -- Original Message -- From: href= George M
What is working best with AP-1000's and Karlnet 4.x? I want to get rid of some of my amps to lower noise. What will the trade off be if I replace my ORiNOCO radios and Amps with just a high power Pri
So, how much does that setup cost you? TT Board Wispdist Flash (including flash card) Karlnet Linux license... What features does it provide? What are its limitations? thanks, bob
I'm going to hold my breath until it comes out. (gulp.............December 31st....getting blue.....Jan 31st.....turning green......April.....passed out...)
You want a factory reset? Get the AP-1000 bin and put it on there....same thing. There is no magic "put the original FW back in memory" switch. There is a bit of code on the flash that doesn't get er
Sacrifice a chicken? Try a different PC or set your IP address to like 192.168.100.x see if you can find the Ap then... I know the factory IP is like 153 something. I'd try a different PC before anyt
Can I route and NAT on an AP-1000 at the same time using the ISP base bin? I have a customer that I setup as a relay and I'd like to route between the wireless interfaces and nat from the Ethernet to
download it from demarctech ? What do you mean the full setup. It is a single executable. -bob -- Original Message -- From: href= Terry Bomersbach To: href= k