Just a small observation...the speed of the CPU has very little, if anything to do with the speed of the serial port. If your need faster I/O speeds, it's probably best to look at using USB 2.0 ports
Joe..... Carl has nailed the problem exactly. There is nothing you can do with your computer that is going to solve the problem. Tom - W4BQF -- Original Message -- From: "Carl Moreschi" <n4py@earthli
Rick.... Your friends problem is not funny, but I just have to sit here and chuckle to myself. For some 14 months I have been talking about this problem and having to read the responses of how I must
And on 7.019.8 is EA8/DJ1OT so the bands are trying to improve. BTW, he is S-7 here in south Georgia. Tom - W4BQF -- Original Message -- From: "NJ0IP" <Rick@dj0ip.de> To: <eric.sensi@skynet.be>; <ten
Your right....I copied 'OJ' but typed it wrong. He kept saying he had a simple antenna, but he was holding S-7 pretty steady when I heard him. And he had a mini-pile up from the US calling. Tom - W4B
I know your heart's in the right place when you say that and for sure I hope you are correct. What makes that somewhat difficult to believe however, is the excrutatingly slow progress with v1.372. An
What IS full QSK? Maybe when you hear between dots and your sending at no more than 30 wpm. Or is it when you hear between words when your sending at 50 wpm, Or is it when you know someone is breakin
Well of course speed is not the issue. I, too, was sending during SS ab 26 and 28 and 30 wpm and my Titan 3 worked flawless but it was being driven with my Omni 6 Plus. Seems like a lot of folks who
Deer Al, From my meger experience, there is no difference in QSK capability when running an Omni 6 or an Omni 6 Plus or a Corsair II with or without a Titan 425. I say Titan 425 because that is the a
'Figure of merit' ? I don't think so. The primary purpose of an amplifier is to amplify. QSK in an amplifier is a sometimes added luxury. I think if you would get same Ten Tec manuals and study the s
Al, Would you do me a big favor and get off the '100 wpm' crap!! As far as I know, I am the only one who made that post. Ten Tec does not sell only to me. If you acutally have anything to add about Q
Hmmmm....good point Paul. But that brings up the question, if you have proper 3:1 element lengths, why would you have to fiddle with the weighting? Or , is it really correct that the 3:1 ratio is pro
Next time you hear one, you better record it because they are rapidly fading away...! Tom - W4BQF -- Original Message -- From: "Scott / W4PJ" <w4pj@bellsouth.net> To: <tentec@contesting.com> Sent: Tu
I think your erroneously assuming that other hams are not aware of software and operating system software and their pluses/minuses. I have a list of 13 operating system sites in my 'favorites' menu a
I have a stock Orion, manufactured this year for sale for $3000.00. Primarily used to running beta firmware testing. Excellent condition, no scratches, stock filters. Presently loaded with firmware v
Dudley, James D. Hurry 201 Mesa Verde Drive Cedar Creek, TX 78612 WA5QPZ General Class License email: jhurry@austin.rr.com If you going to post out right lies on this reflector, the least you should
Rick, I think you did answer the question correctly when you said: "Altogether, this is what has led me to the point that I take all measured numbers with a grain of salt and prefer to try all the ri
Everybody is napping after all that turkey, smoked ham, dressing, gravy, hot rolls, asparagus caserole, tea, and coffee..... :-) Tom - W4BQF -- Original Message -- From: "NJ0IP" <Rick@DJ0IP.de> To: "
Just add .com to the URL and it works. Should be www.m3electronix.com Tom - W4BQF -- Original Message -- From: "David S.McCallum" <w7sac2@cox.net> To: "Phil Cuellar" <pjcuellar@gmail.com>; <tentec@co
Yea..but it's late David!! Their stuff looks pretty interesting. Tom - W4BQF -- Original Message -- From: "David S.McCallum" <w7sac2@cox.net> To: <tentec@contesting.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 01,