OK - did a little listening yesterday evening and this A.M. on 160 with my loop and found band noise way down, relative to my transmitting antenna (an Inverted U). So, I'd like to add a pre-amp at th
I'm certain many of you know how to search for specific planned band of operation verbiage, e.g., 160 or 80," etc., at Bill Feidt's great website - http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/adxo.html However, just in
I don't know who the "referee" is for this august reflector.....BUT, read below, puleeeeeez, by doing the following: - find every spot where I annotated K9YC's acerbic and uncalled for replies to SP6
I stand behind my "criticism" of Mr. Brown's "treatment" of a fellow, foreign ham! I received numerous private e-mails thanking me for stating the obvious (the kindest comment made about him was his
No more deserving...good on ya, Tom! I've enjoyed AND miss your technical and "how to operate" posts. Tom Rauch, W8JI: "The Yasme Excellence Award is made in recognition of Tom's many contributions t
Based on some snooping around @ the YASME site, it's obvious no one is keeping that site up to date - tnx to Mike, W0Btu, for listing the ARRL url link. Also, I didn't intend to diss the other curren
By the by: if anyone needs a competent web-site design/manager, my nephew does that sort of thing - he's worked on other sites I'm involved with and does excellent worth......71.5/72 de Jim R. K9JWV
Bob - I couldn't agree more....listen, call CQ every so often (use RBN to see how you're "doing"), repeat.....take notes, etc. However, I'll add a slightly slant/entreaty here............I've been on
Annnnnnnnnnd, don't forget that us weak-kneed ops - oooooooops, weak sounding signal ops -- may well be QRP participants and we ARE worth twice the point value of our "QRO/Low Power brethren"!!! Just
Mike: I would posit we - the "top band community" - need to promote increased operations -- fuggedabout "decent rx antennas" -- just get more hams operating on top band: - emphasize the Maunder minim
Kevin: I wouldn't disagree with your rationale but...........let's emphasize gettin' on top band first, improving rcv antenna(s) second. - BOGs and Beveridges may be a non-starter if space constraint
I'll attempt to get on more often in the mornings, Mike. A couple of weeks back I was on top band cw every morning for a week...never heard anyone on CW calling CQ or answering me...summer time blues
Wow...great offer, Brian. I'll promote your offer - if you find more of them - to other reflectors...keep us posted.... A few years ago, I offered to send out binocular cores for beverages/flags etc.
...............I know, I KNOW ..... top band propagation predictors are about useless -- BUT, Hey......anything is worth a looksee.....doncha know?!?! You see this in the write up below the "dashboar
..........I know, I KNOW ..... top band propagation predictors are about useless -- BUT, Hey......anything is worth a looksee.....doncha know?!?! You see this in the write up below the "dashboard" (u
Moscow, Raoul, I believe.....72 Jim R. K9JWV Africa is not part of their world? I thought so, as my radio also seems to say I live in a Black 160m hole.:-) bTW Where is Mos? kind regards,Raoul ZS1C _
To my fellow CW, RTTY, and other narrow band digital mode users: I mentioned at the last BVARC meeting that I would provide additional details regarding RM-11708. I have been in contact with Ted Rapp
http://v63.webcrow.jp/ According to chat on low band chat room - http://www.on4kst.com/chat/start.php - the two ops suppose to have some focus on 160 aqnd 80 cw and aware of our sr "windows"!! 72 de
I have a 160 meter rcv loop - kc2tx product - I want to employ this season. I don't have a lot of band noise here in s/w Utah and don't want to bother with a rotor so....can I mount the loop in a hor
.......and hope to hear work many of you.........stage 4 cancer inside me sooooooooooo, only two or three more "Stews" coming up, probably, for me to enjoy....I'll be QRP and anxious to hand you a 4