Hi Guys, Some years ago when we still lived in 'burbs I participated in the ARRL 160-meter contest & made hundreds of contacts: my antenna? A W1FB shielded coaxial loop, adjacent to my station, and 8
Hi Herb, Don't feel bad...I think I can top that. Here in the much-vaunted LAND OF NO--i.e. the province of Ontario--our powers-that-be recently brought-in universal "smart" power meters, followed al
Welcome to Ontario...! It's not, believe me. The newspapers say we GIVE it away, and throw in MILLIONS to make the "deal" acceptable. It's government owned--natch! Why worry about profit when you hav
Hi Rob, The 2:1 SWR points on my extended 3/8-wave inverted "L" elements are about 70-KHz apart...I have no idea what those points might be in a "regular" 1./4-wave vertical. ~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE
Hi Tom, Are you sure you weren't the victim of "...copper nappers", possibly...?! There was a report in a Toronto paper the other day where some cell tower used by emergency forces of some kind in th
Hi All, I forgot to mention: Toronto metal-nappers have also taken to brazenly stealing park statues & markers that are made of bronze, too... About a month, or two, ago, one such thief was found dea
Hi Guy, The only thing to watch out for--and I don't know if Silicone II Sealant falls into this category, or not--are the corrosive fumes that might be emitted during the curing process... If the "r
Good Day All, I am thinking of incorporating a homebrewed 4:1 balun as part of a transmatch that I have here, which was designed to feed coaxial cable-fed antennas only... Is there really & truly suc
Hi Guys, While my humble station & mediocre efforts in the various Topband contests hardly matter much, I try & make it a point to stay off of those "window frequencies", unless I'm responding direct
Good Day All, This is related to the ongoing discussion in a very limited way, but it still warrants the attention of regular users of Topband, IMHO--in fact, it may actually even be of interest to a
Hi Tom, Rest assured that both I, as well as Paul (N1BUG), reminded the gang of that fact!!! I think they're all resolved to the reality of the one weekend conflicting with the ARRL event, & so will
Hi Carl, It'd be just great to hear you on Topband with that 210 rig... As for garnering W.A.S. during the QSO Party, I should forewarn you: historically I don't think ANYONE has EVER netted 60 (or m
Hi Sean, That's why the "DELETE" button was invented...I gave it a wee bit of exercise yesterday, too, when I saw that message. : >) ~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ ______________________________________
Hi Tom et al, Welcome to the digital age... What with hundreds of so-called "friends" on venues like facebook.com, this was surely the next step, & merely reflects a growing (deplorable) trend... ~73
Hi Jim, Here's a link in the matter of the vertical yagi array, FYI: http://www.eham.net/articles/21116 No doubt to-day's generation of Hams blessed with computers & EZNEC will be readily able to pun
Hi Jim, Back some 30 years ago, or so, we had just moved to a brand new house that was blessed with a back yard full of tall, majestic poplar dollars--and I was blessed with a perpetually empty bank
Ah yes, the pursuit of the proverbial "RED X", as espoused by an American quality control guru...! Don't ask me for his name, as I've forgotten it since I retired--but the ONLY sure-fire way to confi
Hi Mike, I've noticed that very same thing here myself, more often than not (certainly not in ALL cases, though): it's like they're somehow programmed to shift to another frequency if there's any int