Gee Bob, do you really think it is a case of poor ethics? I mean really, the guy is just trying to work more stations. heh heh. I would think the best way to do it would be to fly over to Europe, and
I used my own magnetometer hooked up to a laptop and got actual magnetic field numbers as they occurred. You can make one for about $100. I do not have it running now, but plan to re install it in th
I am pretty new to 160 meters, but just got done with a diversity experiment with FT5ZM last night. My results go along with W8JIs comments. I heard them on 1.8265 at 2215 UT, and then tried to confi
Hello Mike I have found that JT65 provides a bit better than 10 dB more than a good cw weak signal (read that as a real weak cw ) contact. I can copy signals by ear that are listed as about -18 dB or
I have used Andrew FSJ4 cables for years as rotor loops. Andrew does not recommend it outdoors, but I have come up with a good technique for its use. When you put the connectors on each end, be sure
I live in Southern ME, next to the NH border and 30 miles inland. I listened on 1.915 MHz at 1815 Z today, (Tuesday) and could hear it quite well at about S5 with my NE beverage. When I changed to my
Hello Gary I got to listen first time for EP6T on 160 early Monday evening Jan 19. It was just before their sunrise. I could hardly hear them, but at times they would peak up to about 539, so a QSO w
I was transmitting on 160 last week, and after calling a CQ I noted that the background noise from one of my beverages dropped to almost nothing. Something obviously broke right then. All checks poin
Thanks to all who responded with all sorts of great hints and ideas for combating the rodent problem with beverage feedlines. I ended up going with buying 1000 ft of 1/2" PVC conduit and will lay tha
You are right, Guy, but I have plenty of test gear to check coax. I can sweep it for return loss, check insertion loss and all that stuff. I use several HP scalar analyzers as well as an 8753D vector
I am somewhat new to 160 meters. I converted an old VHF tower at my house to a 160 M 1/4 wave radiator in late 2013 and have been active since then on a casual basis. Recently I started showing sympt
Hi Mike You need a signal generator and a crystal detector to sniff in that amp. Feed a low level signal in with the filaments on but HV off and see how much RF leaks thru to the output connector, th
Hello Les, I worked A35T on Tuesday morning after VY2ZM, then K8PO, then K1CP. I live in Maine, as do K8PO, K1UO, and K1CP, who are all in a line northeast of me. K1UO was listening and heard them FB
I am fairly new to 160 meters, but became almost immediately aware of the presence of N5IA there. His signal was always outstanding and at the top from his area of the country. This is a very sad tim
Hello Tree I tried calling you early on, with no luck in the ARRL 160 test. Possibly your noise was one reason you could not pick me out. Later on, you called me while I was CQing, so all was good. I
Trevor,. I was calling and calling many EU stations and they would uniformly come back calling CQ right in my face both evenings. I was running 1500 watts into a vertical with 125 radials. I seemed t
Hello Terry I would suspect the coax could be bad. Is it new or has it been laying around awhile.? I have had water get into flooded RG-6 coax, and with all the metals associated with the shielding,
I have been putzing around trying to improve my 160 meter setup, and have run into a real problem. Most of the USA is covered by two directions from here in Maine. SW and W. My problem is that I ha
Hi Roger I had a remarkable swing of QSB that took you from really loud to really weak. I had been hoping that we would have a great evening (finally) but when I first heard you calling, I said to my
I have some more data points in my search to eliminate noise in several of my beverage wires. First, I disconnected both the west and the southwest beverage wires from my matching transformer box out