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I have a note that says the length of the 75 ohm matching section used with the HF6V. 11'6". 73 Jim K7SLI List Sponsored by AN Wireless: AN Wireless handles Rohn tower systems, Trylon Titan towers, c
Hello Con, Though I do not have the data in front of me at this exact moment, I do remember Ham Radio Magazine did run a number of articles on the Vee antenna. One thing that did stick in my head, wa
Hi All interested, There have been many comments by people who know a lot more about this particular antenna then me. The questions may have already been answered, but here goes. As far as terminatio
Someone was looking for a source of commercial ladder line. You might give this site a look. 73 Jim K7SLI List Sponsored by AN Wireless: AN Wireless handles Rohn tower sys
Hi Kevin, It has been over 5 years now, but I ran into the same sticky situation. I think common kerosene did the job (lamp oil), or lighter fluid, paint thinner of some kind, maybe even goof off. Ha
If I was going to do that, I would go to a car lot, or appliance store, that uses those things for advertisement. There must be thousands used around here. Find out the name of the outfit they bought
Hi Mel, There is a copper tape you can use. I think the sticky part has a conductive glue. Now it is not very heavy, and is intended for RF grounding. I would use it along with a heavy wire ground of
To those interested in riveters, take a look at this site. They seem to have some reasonable prices. 73 Jim K7SLI List Sponsored b
Hi Pat, There is a spray you can buy. It shoots in a stream like 10 or 15 feet. The idea is to shoot the suckers nests that are under eves, etc of your house, and not have to get on a ladder. I would
I think Pat is headed in the right direction for getting rid of the yellow jackets in his rotor. I am lucky that their sting just leaves a little red spot and nothing else. The next time I do get stu
Hello Folks, I got a bunch of organic towers also. The last fella I had that did some rigging had these spikes and a safety belt. He did a nice job for me, but I don't think the trees really apprecia
Hi folks, The only people I ever knew that died from exposure to RF were people who spent all their working days, up until retirement at 50kw broadcast sites. They all died of alcoholism, not of leuk
I keep getting these messages. I do not have any way of helping. Maybe some of you have a way that you can be of help. This guy, who calls himself KFC, has been driving these people nuts for some tim
Though this has nothing to do with a tower that has beams antenna on it, I does remind of a broadcast station that painted all their tower sections, in pieces, on the ground. They had a heck of a tim
Hi Bill, I have seen the same thing out here in the west with cars. We do not have to put up with salt or any of that stuff on our roads, but if a car does have rust on the bottom, it is one that has
I just said that undercoated cars have more rust then the none undercoated ones out west here. I also have noticed that some of the legs of transmission towers that carry our AC have been coated with
I had the same question once. The SWR change is not great enough to warrant any stubs or anything. Just do not mix 50 ohm and 75 ohm coax. Also remember that your SWR meters are probably set up to re
Hello, Maybe someone can help me out on this one. I understand that the W6AM was a rich lawyer, and the site he bought was an ex commercial one. I have also been told that he did not build any antenn
Hello TT's, Thanks so much for the info on the W6AM site. Me being licensed in 1961, and not chasing DX until the mid 80's, I did not know much at all about Don Wallace. I do remember an old picture