Hasan: My tower has a moderate ground field underneath it as I also use the tower with a shunt-feed gamma wire on 160M. I have about 135 feet of #2 copper wire and a dozen copper ground rods in the e
Can you say SteppIR? 73 de Gene Smar AD3F _______________________________________________ See: http://www.mscomputer.com for "Self Supporting Towers", "Wireless Weather Stations", and lot's more. Cal
Tom (the one asking the question, not the one answering it): Ratchet bumper jacks as decribed by Tom (the one answering your question) also worked for me when I had to remove a ground rod. Took all o
Rich/K9OM: I've had all three antenna designs mentioned in this thread: Inverted L and shunt-fed tower on 160M and an 80M sloper wire off my 64-foot tower. In my case they all worked in that they pre
Pat: I just checked the SWR on my 160M shunt-fed tower from the shack and it's 2:1 or lower from 1.8 - 1.9+ MHz. I don't ask questions. 73 de Gene Smar AD3F __________________________________________
Pete: You are probably correct: Using your 75 Ohm coax hunk at other than 28.000 and 28.875 (representing 32 and 33 half-wavelengths, respectively, of your fundamental freq of 1.750 MHz) is putting y
Gary: Sorry - but shunt feeding doesn't work in your part of Texas. I'm just kidding. But if your 45G means Rohn 45G tower, I'm assuming then that your tower is properly guyed. If so, then I believe
Jess: Special Metals, Inc. 6406 South Eastern Oklahoma City, OK 73149 Sales: Joe Varva 800-727-7177 73 de Gene Smar AD3F _______________________________________________ See: http://www.mscomputer.com
Dino: Thanks for the very interesting photo, which raises a few questions: 1. What are the pairs of loops at the base? Torroidal transformers for the feedlines? 2. Is that a pier-pin base at the narr
Dino: the In other words, they supply Austin power? Thanks for my learning experience for the day. 73 de Gene Smar AD3F I'm sorry. I'll stop now. _______________________________________________ See:
Dudley: Belts-and-suspenders. That's what I did, FWIW. On my tower I installed about 135 feet of #2 solid tinned copper ground wire buried about eighteen inches. I welded this wire to twelve 8-foot l
TT: FYI. I found the following for sale: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7564506549&ssPageName=MERC_VI_RSCC_Pr4_PcY_BID_Stores_IT . 73 de Gene Smar AD3F ___________________________
TT: I've heard many arguments for using an integral safety harness/positioning belt. But for my money, I'd like to keep the two systems separate. If my integral harness fails, will BOTH primary and b
Scott, Mike et al: Here's the URL for the Members' Only ARRL page that will get you a pdf of the Feb 2003 QST article on QRO tuners: http://www.arrl.org/members-only/prodrev/pdf/pr0302.pdf . There al
Mike: My favorite (and only) tribander is a Bencher Skyhawk. Specs say 8.5 sqft, but don't say how this number is computed. Caveat Amateur. Other than that one question, I have no problems with the S
TT: Also looks like a Bencher Skyhawk with element hose clamps instead of rivets, but without the torque balancing nonsense in the front. 73 de Gene Smar AD3F ________________________________________
Jim: Your English is infinitely better than my Swedish, or Finnish for that matter. I understood the intent of the word Cartoon. 73 es Merry Christmas de Gene Smar AD3F ______________________________
TT: Likewise for me and the Yagi test report - well worth the money. Let's try to get Steve and Ward to add more antennas in 2006, like Tennadyne models and the SteppIRs. 73 de Gene Smar AD3F _______
Sean: Here's a page from the US's NOAA that allow you to calculate magnetic declination for any location on the planet during the near future (it's a slowly varying value due the the daily wandering
Jose': Congratulations and welcome to Topband. I'd run the coax up the tower to the switch. I can't imagine why you would NOT do this. Loss at Topband is minimal for the extra coax length to run up t