I said that "A vertical above your beam will not work. An elevated vertical must have resonant radials". At the end of your post you say the same thing. With a quarter wave vertical mounted on the ma
Ray, You are correct. The talk about connecting to a single point on the tower probably comes from the crowd that does not understand what a "single point ground system" is. It has nothing to do with
Why not put a small matching network at the base of the parasitic element with a motor driven capacitor. Then you can tune it above and below resonance from the shack while watching the signal streng
I agree with Roger. Best to only crimp in that situation. If you are going to solder after crimping a long crimp is needed and then only solder a small amount on the end of the wire near the ring. Wh
Hi Jim, Tom has it exactly right. Think of it this way: Let's say that your quarter wave stub provides a 10 ohm impedance at the harmonic frequency. It the impedance of the amp is say 25 ohms at the
Jim, You should be able to get an idea of the output impedance of the amp at the second harmonic frequency by checking with an impedance meter at the output, like with an MFJ. You may need to place a
You don't want to have the amp on when you connect a measuring instrument to the output. Just the static conduction (noise) developed in the tubes will probably zap the front end of your meter. Use
To add to the confusion, there is free space loss that is an additional 6 dB every time you double the distance. 73 Gary K4FMX _______________________________________________ ________________________
To add to Jim's post, anytime that you can use a higher impedance cable the loss will be less. If you have a 50 ohm and a 75 ohm cable with the same size conductors, the 75 ohm cable will have less l
Hi Rick, I don't think that I have used the method that you describe. What happens when the cable length approaches a quarter wave length? Or is this only valid at a small fraction of a wave length?
One "trick" to properly installing an N connector is that you have to separate all of the strands around the ring. You can not have any that overlap each other at the point where they get clamped. It
Just get a handful of movs and a metal box. Connect an mov from each wire to ground. That's all that is in the polyphaser box. 73 Gary K4FMX _______________________________________________ __________
A Ufer ground is fine for a tower as long as it is not the only ground. You still need ground rods outside of the tower base connected to the tower. The J bolts for the tower mounting pad should be w
You should not be switching the neutral wire, only the hot. As far as lightning, the ground wire is still attached anyway. 73 Gary k4FMX _______________________________________________ ______________
Hi Jim, When measuring inductance with the MFJ you need to use the lowest frequency that will give a reading. Same when measuring capacitance. It is sort of intuitive to set it to the frequency that
I assume that you mean crank up cable as I don't think that tower ever had a pull down cable. I have one and the cable runs up the outside to the pulley and down between the sections to connect to th
Hi Roy, Near the bottom of the inside section there is a heavy bar with two loops welded to it in the center. One points up the other points down. This is where the lift cable is supposed to attach.
Lard or kerosene for aluminum, cutting oil for steel. 73 Gary k4FMX _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ TowerTalk mailing list TowerTalk@co
There is some stuff in a can called "aluma tap" if I remember the name right. I use that for cutting, threading. It is like night and day when threading aluminum without it. Trying to tap dry breaks
Hi Ron, I have one of those towers to put up this summer (hopefully). Did you buy the base, the part that goes in the concrete, from tashjian? What did they charge for it and shipping? Thanks, Gary K