Someone correct me if I am wrong here but if the antenna is on the roof you will not have a ground to work against - isn't that the key to a successful vertical? K4OJ
Agreed.... I have a Create I would like to have usual guy will not touch it - stricly CDE, I mean Telex, I mean MFJ....... Mechanically mine has been very good... K4OJ
...sounds like the scam nack in the seventies - someone was selling a wonder box - the box contained something potted in epoxy or similar - when x-rayed at the ARRL lab it was found to contain random
Does anyone on this reflector have a YO model of the Cushcraft 40-2CD - I would appreciate your sending it to me as an e-mail attachment. Thanks, Jim, K4OJ
I should have re-stated my post last night - several of you have responded like Steve did in stating that YO does not recognized lumped loads. I guess what I am asking for is a model with the equival
Honey, I want to put up a tower. In order to put one up that is safe it either has to be one which is big so that it does not have to have guy wires, or it can be the less expensive type that uses th
I am not a crankup kinda guy but my hat is off to K4ZZR for a very entertaining web page - next time a thread surfaces on Towertalk we should simply direct someone to it! The tower that Towertalk bui
Wrapping the feed line balum about the boom - is this Kosher? Having the boom in the middle of the coil? This seems like a nice construction option - my worry would be that somehow the field in the h
I think you may be kidding yourself... a Y-ending for the shield vs. the center conductor CAN be waterproofed with the usual tapes and goops, and the resultant termination... This termination also wi
...perhaps I am assuming too much again - For me, the feed point attachment is on the underside of a yagi driven element and has the pigtails drooping away from the element towards the ground... this
Oh yeah - another bugabbo that sneaks in is that frequently the balance point of a yagi is NOT at its rotational center... ...after assembling the yagi take a string and run it from the tip of the re
for those worried about how detrimental this is to Bill's signal I recommend you check out his scores in recent competitions....or....simply tune 20 duirng a contest and decide who is king of the ban