Don't take this personally but an even better idea is the scrap that rotator and purchase a worm gear Alfa Spid rotator. Super strong worm gear technology, no brakes to break, no end stops to get jam
15 year life is real good. You may not find anything better. Nothing lasts forever, especially in the sun. Phil KB9CRY Rob Frohne wrote: Greetings, It looks like the UV has turned the pliable gray ja
I haven't yet submitted my comments but I'd like to point out one flaw in all of this BPL discussion and "testing" that is being performed. Let me quote from the original article mentioned in this th
They are available already. Try this website. And for all the rest of y'all. Everyone should have this website bookmarked or placed into your favorites. Tons of info and manuals all for free. Phil KB
This website has tons 'o info. Gd luck; I put up 120 ft of Rohn 45 guyed with Polygon last year. Phil KB9CRY _______________________________________________ See: htt
Actually both posters are correct, you're just mistating the regulations and prohibitions a bit. Lineman's belts are considered "positioning devices". Full body harnesses are considered "fall arrest
You are correct. Spending a couple of hundred dollars on the "proper" safety equipment when you only climb once a year may not make sense. Most funerals do cost less than most tower installations, so
What brand of harness do you use, Phil? I am thinking of purchasing one for myself. Personally I use the following as listed. I purchased these from Airgas Safety (800-558-8900). They're an industria
Tony is correct and that's why one never climbs without having a ground crew below who knows how to summon emergency services. Phil KB9CRY Tony King - W4ZT wrote: With all the discussion about the ha
Based on my understanding, the answer would be most probably yes. Is this Polyphaser panel above ground? If there is not a very low resistance/impedance connection from that to your SPG (single point
I like it better when they talk about lightening!!! Come on everyone; read all about how lightning works on the Polyphaser website. You'll read that there are actually two bolts that form. The sky bo
Rohn's doesn't supply lock washers for their GT towers. Don't need them; there' shouldn't be any vibration to loosen them. And, of course, we all perform an annual "up the tower maintenance climb" an
Personally I pay only about $6 each for my OneShots. I have to order a case at a time (12 ea.) and order from the local industrial supply house (I use Steiner Electric) with whom the plant has an acc
If I may, Cadwelds are a registered product line made by Erico Corp of which one of them is the OneShot types. You can determine the type of mold and PN you need from the website. Wilson Lu
I would say that whatever the neighbors wanted to do to screen the tower on their land would be fine with me. After a while, no one even "sees" the tower and most lose interest. Let them do whatever
I have TB-3 on my towers and what I do is set the mast down into and resting on the rotator. I center the mast in the thrust bearing and tighten the collar screws, really just to keep it centered. I
First question would be to please describe your grounding system. Coax, computer, electric service, phone, etc. Phil KB9CRY -- Original message -- _______________________________________________ See:
I'm totaly un-safe. I use my trusty propane torch to light mine. I set up a small flame, crouch down and quickly point the flame tip into the top section and voila. Actually, I fell quite confident d
Yes it's ICE (their website via the Array Solutions website) and Polyphaser. To me, they are the only players (may be others) in the lightning/grounding market. Personally I use all ICE equipment and
I've been led to believe that this may help; the energy may zap through the coax/wire jacket/insulation into the ground. This may also be bad in that if it's direct burial stuff, you'll need to repla