I already answered Sylvan on the side, but I would like to mention that AA6TT was 100% cable clamps on Philly and nothing there failed. Steve, what do you mean by "causing the fibers to cold flow"?
Good advice, to be sure. I don't mean to come off as if what AA6TT did is of suspicious engineering or questionable credibility. AA6TT spared little, if any, expense. The story is that he used the ne
Warning: This email has little if anything to do with towers (technically, the word "towers" is used in it, however), so if you are upset by non-tower-related posts, delete it now and feel good about
Hi Mike, I used to buy my material at a place called "Industrial Metals" when I lived in California and was building bug stuff for people. Industrial Metals had a lot of different ways to cut aluminu
My miter saw is good for about 5.25." It would not cut a 6x8. I use it for cutting element and boom tubing to length, but when I do plates, I use the table saw. Maybe someone else can comment, since
K7LXC replied: N2MG added: And so I am thinking it would be wise to also ask: I was going to bolt MY copper bulkhead to the side of my metal building, but run the low impedance copper ground straight
It is beginning to sound like I got sold a bill of goods back when I was lad of 17. I was definitely told it was a TH-4 and it definitely had wire loops. Maybe this was a high-performance aftermarket
N3RR asked: Bill, Rick Craig - N6ND - had some poorly performing yagis partway up a big tower which had steel guys proken up with insulators. When modeled using K6STI's Guy modeling program, it imita
Since you asked, the reason I use all Phillystran is because 1. I got it for an affordable cost and 2. it makes sense that my actual antenna system will get closer to how it was modeled (I didn't bo
I am sorry to see that "pruning a dipole" appears to have gone the way of CW. It used to make a great rite of passage. Frankly, no matter what the computer model says, I would STILL cut it longer an
OT is short for "formerly OTU". An "OT"? What is that? "Out There"? "Other Theory"? "Orange Trombone"? "Okalahoma Tricycle"? "Old Troublemaker"? Help me out here Mark, what is an "OT"? (Before you gu
I have been reading all these posts and trying to figure out if my towers will stay up or fall down. My guess is, I'm safe. My guy posts are 8 feet long, come out of the ground 2', the holes are abou
sections I guess it depends on how strong, young, and/or accident prone you and your friends are. I have moved more crank-up towers than I can count in this fashion, just as you describe, from the s
W6UE has an 11-element 6 meter KLM yagi on something like a 21 foot boom at 30' with the roof bracket at 9 feet = 21 exposed feet. Been up for about 9 years. No problems. Nevertheless, fot the record
Many people report good results putting 40M elements on their 20M yagi booms. I have done this about 3 times. It works fine. The old Wilson that had 15/20 on one boom was also a good antenna. The ol
I have had nothing but good customer service at all times from Force 12 since I put up the first of many a decade ago. Sorry to use the old race car analogy again, but these antennas are high perform