Does it matter that during the summer the seals will be pointed straight into the sun during a portion of the day? I don't have any experience with silicone in a direct UV environment, so pardon the
Great! Now maybe you could tell me a bit about how you waterproofed the ends of the traps, since that was the question I actually asked...I'm good on every single other thing about the R7 just now. S
I've been following this thread with interest, largely because I'm ignorant about the utility of these meters. Jim, your description fits with what I had concluded about them, that being if you had p
Jim, My network analyzer will let you choose Z0 (characteristic or system impedance), but I never move it off 50 ohms because I'm almost always working with 50 ohm systems. In the event I have to wor
Thanks for the link, that's a good idea. I can look at that and determine if there's something a dip meter will do that I couldn't figure out how to do with more recent technology. Jeff/KD4RBG -- Ori
Hi all, I have an old Tri-Ex tower that I'm told was protected from rust by dipping in some sort of gray solution. After 40 years or so, this has begun to fail a little bit and I notice small spots o
When last this came up for me (I was rebuilding both a Cushcraft R7 and a A4S) I found the following: They worked like a charm. I took N8DE's suggestio
In the case of the Cushcraft R7, moisture ingress into the traps equals VSWR of 10:1 or worse. In the case of the A4S, insect nesting and moisture can cause issues. With both antennas, water in the t
That's the general consensus. since they're selling a CD of the data it's in their interest to keep it active and I hope they do. If the data ever goes public domain and/or I can get permission, I wi
It's currently mirrored in its original, proper form, at the following address: Enjoy! Jeff/KD4RBG ____________________________________
I think there's a feeling among some that the site is sort of like a World Heritage Site, and that the work contained therein is more a living monument to a great man than something to be carelessly
Just a friendly warning, but I would *AVOID* that vendor like the plague. They charge a $15 minimum S/H which is totally ridiculous, especially since anything they sell can be obtained elsewhere and
Sure! The very first hit on Google- is as good an example as any, I guess. Just at random, to illustrate the point, I put "Rip Wrap 45 pcs" in the Shopping Cart
Oh, you can read. Don't be so hard on yourself. Your question *was* answered, though. You can buy the same sort of shrink tubing originally used by Cushcraft from a number of different vendors. The l
Well, yeah. Think about the mission of a cage like that, which is to block RF out of the cage. All of it, at all frequencies, which in turn means at all wavelengths. The gaps in the copper have to be
Others may disagree, but I think it's worth doing just for the data. I've been pleasantly surprised in the past by things that I didn't think were going to work at all. You won't lose a lot of signal
That's what I was thinking, too. RG-213 is only supposed to have something like less than a dB of loss for three times that length at 10 Mhz. There's something else at work there. Jeff/KD4RBG -- Orig
Grave diggers. Call the local funeral home of your choice and ask who they use. Think about how careful they are not to disturb the sides when there's a body maybe a foot away. Jeff/KD4RBG -- Origina
That works pretty good, unless you've got a tower like mine that's 40 years old and nobody still has any of the original data. Here's a pertinent question: What's the biggest tower base for a free st
You're right about that, although any project that begins with "making road" is probably outside the scale of anything I'm going to tackle these days. Thanks for the pictures! Jeff/KD4RBG -- Original