I have place four orders with ICE over the past two years. Two of these orders are now filled and I am waiting on two orders, one of which is over five months past. ICE makes a range of really excell
Dipole Ends, Some future day this tree will be cut down or blown over and the screw will be completely covered over. The fellow with the chainsaw will perhaps be killed when cutting into this hidden
Doug, It is not bad thing for sixty and seventy year old tower climbers to be cautious. No doubt you will comeback telling us that you are in the eighties and that sky diving is your main interest. T
Jon, I have replaced winches and wire rope on a fully extended tower before. My winches were in such bad condition that I did not trust them. Does your tower have a mechanical brake mechanism indepen
You might consider a SteppIR vertical the larger model covers 40 through 6 and is tuned to each band as you shift frequency. A loading coil is available for 80 meters and this tune is also tuned by t
If one already has a grounded tower at 75 feet height and wishes to construct an 80 meter vertical is there a problem with standing off the tower at say two feet a vertical wire from the appropriate
Outdoor Cable Issue. I have both a comment and a question. I wonder why people do not use 50/75 mm (2/3 inch) drainage pipe. This pipe is perforated along its length and both admits and allows water
Hi All, I have two orders direct with ICE some of which go back the guts of nine months. Last year I received some goods on a direct order after a three month wait. This summer an order from Radiowar
Hi All, Spiderbeam makes fiberglass mast sections designed for antenna supports. They come in four or five foot lengths and telescope out 40 feet for one model and 60 feet for the other. They are lik
Dear Mike/aj9c, Western Electronics sold towers of their own English manufacture under the name Westower. These towers claimed to have higher ratings than Versatower another tower of UK manufacture.
If one is carful steel bars can be inserted into a crank up so that the weight is no longer on the wire rope. Then the tower can be stayed. Of course one can always stay the lowest section of a crank
Scott and Jerry, I am most interested in this thread so thank you for starting it. Scott, I find that my Array Solutions K9AY gives me about a 6 to 15 db directivity between front and back. Some sign
Pete, Thank you for this thought provoking e-mail. I had never thought of using a common mode current choke. Is this choke mounted at the K9AY or close to the shack? I will give this a try. Another p
I have been using a K9AY for a little over a year now and recently added a 565 foot Beverage pointed at the states for use on 160M. I find a F/B of about 15 dB on average with the full size K9AY. My
It would be very interesting to hear how the DX Engineering Active Four Square antenna compares to other receiving antennas. Perhaps not a small antenna as regards real estate but small by 160M stand
Gentlemen, I wonder what the attraction of the LP is when one can use a SteppIR. Am I wrong to believe that the Fwd gain and FB are better for a Yagi of the same number of elements tuned to the frequ
Buddy, Everything you say seems pretty sensible to me. Thunderstorms are not muck of a problem in EI land but I wonder if Florida operators have much trouble with SteppIR. You can always retract all
How does one stack two log periodic antennas which operate over such a wide range of frequencies? I thought the stacking distance was dependent on the frequency. Now if one is using them so that one
What is the wind loading of a LP compared to a three element SteppIR? 73 Doug As a guy who lives in a high density lightning strike area in southwest Colorado, I've experienced lightning strikes on t
Mike, The new boots which have been in use now for at least three years solved the problem. Hams then go in for largely unneeded additional precautions. I did not tape my boots and there has been no