So, there must be more to galvanic corrosion than just where various elements sit on the potential chart. For example, I recently purchased an electrical junction box to mount on the tower with some
I am new car shopping, and looking at an SUV. For the last 25 years, I've used the same Larsen 1/4 wave with a trunk lip mount for 2m mobile. Obviously, the SUV doesn't have a trunk lip, so I need so
But I know a guy who used water pipe instead of I beams, and his installation was even struck by Noah's Ark and it's still standing. Calculations? You must be kidding. Anecdotes cost a lot less than
Steve and other tower gurus: Take a look at Is this an acceptable way to terminate Phillystran? Have never seen it done this way... Tnx/Barry -- Barry Kutner, W
I've tried a bunch of things, and always wind up back with a sledge hammer. We have a lot of shale 4-6 ft down, so I once tried a Bosch 60 lb. electric jackhammer with a ground rod driving bit. Went
I don't know if the water method is a good idea. It makes the hole bigger, and reduces the surface area of contact between the rod and the ground. This surface area is proportional to its conductivit
I use 3 "vertical slopers" around the tower. I believe it was originally written up by K8UR, and is in the ARRL Antenna Handbook (mine's about 10 years old, don't know if it's still there) as a 40m a
My guy wires are Phillystran, so no problems with interactions. I use copperweld wires for the elements, and use an Ameritron RCS-8V for switching (also have a 160 m antenna on this switchbox). they
Curious... Is there enough room between elements to mount one on a TIC Ringrotor? 73 Barry -- Barry Kutner, W2UP Internet: Newtown, PA Frankford Radio Club -- FAQ on WWW: http://w
PEs out there, correct me if I'm wrong... It seems to me the vertical load on the rotor, as in case 1 and 2 above, has no effect on the side load forces (cosine of 90 = 0), assuming the thrust bearin
Though I've never used the pointy top, I'd be wary of using the set bolt with a long mast sticking out the top. Don't forget how top heavy the mast is. Remove the rotor, and the mast will want to fal
I've had a 2-stack of TH7s up for about 4 years (40 and 76 ft). I've never seen a time when the lower is better. Generally, the stack is best, upper second, lower third. I've heard this "folklore" ab
I did abt 200 ft last week with a gas powered edger. Took abt 30 mins, and back wasn't sore. Rented it from local rental store - was $20 for 1/2 day. This will cut a 3-4 inch slit. I've buried condui
Hi All - One of the projects on the agenda this summer/fall is adding relays to my 80m slopers to be able to switch from CW to SSB from in the shack, rather than going outside and folding back some w
Actually, it's the enzyme papain (from the papaya) which breaks down the protein in the venom. Got to use it on my 6 year old last week, and worked like a charm. The next morning you couldn't even se
I just ran a coax line to an antenna abt 100 ft from my tower, buried it a few inches underground until it exits at the tower base to go thru my 4 inch conduit to the house. To keep my grass-cutter f
Greg - Before you start replacing big stuff, check the motor starting capacitor in the control box (pins 4 and 8). If you have another control box in the shack, just take the 2 wires in the cable off
In my opinion, it would be a mistake to state the height you want, and then state the height you'd be willing to accept. Don't make any concessions so quickly. GL, Barry W2UP -- Barry Kutner, W2UP In
A dumb question of sorts... My trusty can of Scotchkote (not very old, either) is Scotchkoted shut. I even tried a set of Channel Locks to open it, without successw. Any tricks of the trade, or time
Hi all, One of my TH7s started acting flaky recently, so I dropped the two driven elements and took the traps apart. I went through this exercise 2-3 years ago for the same reason. (I'd like to get t