Well spring is just around the corner ! and Winter was tough on antennas @ W3EA's all the wire antennas were ripped down by ice and wind 2nd week of Feb the one functional rebuilt 80/75 meter vertica
Hi Don In you described tower 127' Rohn 25-G , I assume you have 4 levels of Guys three ways. I not a big fan of reusing hardware. even the Bigger bodied CROSBY type clamps ( there the best made IMO
I have had Both of the antennas ...The hi Gain Dis-2 is a good antenna the linear loading wires are problematic if you live in a ICE area... I lost mine two times..... The Original CD40 had a number
Hi Fellow TT'ers Spring is just around the corner... and that's Tower antenna work time :) I hope to be joining the ranks of 6 meter newbies . The 6 meter beam HB G0KSC OWA . The Feedline 88 ft to th
Hi Charles My operating tables have a piece od 3/4 " copper pipe.... I drill hole every 16" starting 1 in from the end. and use a 1 1/4 " #10 machine screw through the hole add a nut on the other sid
I can't give you a telephone Number BUT this has always worked for me Dave, N3RD n3rd@arrl.net George, W2VJN w2vjn@arrl.net both Dave and George are standup type guys...... give them a Email Wayne W3
Hi Remember to check out the Tower Bible http://www.rohnnet.com/rohn-25g-tower IMO this is the guideline you'll need to submit for a permit if one is needed. Pier Pin base or Cemented in tower sectio
WOW another Hustler G series antenna Strike I had not one but two Hustler G6 LIGHTNING strikes Both times blowing off the top piece and one cracking the fiberglass tube and one blowing the top off wi
IT all depends on what tower your talking about... I have installed antennas via tram or pull & snake above a set of guys. But were talking about Rohn 55 or Rohn 65 or AB-105... My Rohn 25G towers th
I have installed a few of these on Stacked mast configurations. Tri- bander/ Shorty 40's 3 element 40/ 8 element 10 and a HB BIG 20 meter Yagi , Only one ever had trouble and that was from a DIRECT l
I can't speak for any of the LATE model Sealed oblong designed motors . But the early both sheet metal and cast Aluminum motors, has the directional Pot. The latter Green ones are better then the bla
Hi Gerald the Fulton 2500 is a single speed winch...a dual speed winch takes LESS effort but more revaluations. I have two 3200 lb dual speed winches ( old model with the removable handles ) this is
Hi George Watching the WX vain and anemometer. MY personal opinion is it's just the Axial twist of the three tubes . coupled with the few rotor drift degrees. Wayne W3EA . . _________________________
I have installed a number of F-12 240 and 340 magnum antennas. and as mentioned, there do need some focus on extra tuning .As a CC 240 CD sure has a number of mechanical issues that the Newer XM 240
Hi George F-12 dose not use swaged tubing. So I have use WD 40- liberally and is the assembler used a lot of penatrox you have to break it loose I have used a propane torch and two mounted boom to pl
While were talking about 40 meter antennas. . M2 antennas are ROBUST and the three element a KILLER in more ways then one. You better have a HD mast and mast mounting plate. And the Rotor ... HUMMM I
I to have damaged stubborn booms with chain wrench, To much pressure at the fulcrum pivot point. I have two rubber straps wrenches, I use then UP the tower to rotate booms for element maintenance To
Hello Fellow TT'ers After Hurricane Sandy tore through eastern US. I picked up a pile of aluminum from the carnage. one pile was remnants of a F-12 C3 ( WOW) it was TOAST . The other pieces of a F-12
What a world we live in ..... not one not two but THREE fellow TT'ers responded in no time to my plea. Thanks..... Wayne W3EA . . _______________________________________________ _____________________
Interesting Mike ? I replaced my Hi Gain 3 element with an XM240 and it's insulated elements gave me no top loading for my shunt feed tower ( only boom @ DC ground) Question ..... Di the grounding ha