Hi Patrick Don't think I'd cut them in half. I'd just cut the plugs off and replace them and check the cable again. Might be something in the plugs that are bad and you would be wasting a bunch of ca
I finally broke down a year or so ago and bought a brand new radio. That radio sucks with all the menus, etc, and wish I would have spent the same money on a good, used one. Next time I won't make th
HI All I've seen that you should keep the 450 ohm twinlead at leas the width of the cable away from anything metallic. Does that include coax cable? I want to run some twinlead out to an antenna and
Hi All It is possible to make a ~23' stub with a switch in the end to open and short for 20/40. Can you do this with 40/80 by making an 80 meter stub and put a switch on the end like the 20/40? I've
Yes - but if you are replying to something, don't cut out what you are replying to. Equally frustrating is a post that says 'I did that and it didn't work' and we have no idea what you 'did do and it
Hi I picked up an MFJ-989C tuner that has a problem (don't want to hear about 'mitey fine junk). The problem is that the SWR goes down and then slowly creeps back up. I got a new roller inductor and
Hi Roger. Yes, I did try that. I disconnected the torroid from the circuit. I think it is something getting hot but just can't feel anything that gets overly warm inside. It does drift faster at high
Hi Dave I did spray the bearings in the caps with some cleaner. Forgot to mention that. The caps are not grounded in this circuit. On 1/1/2015 12:18 PM, David Robbins wrote: Well, lets see... you byp
Hi Robert. Thought about that, but when the tuner is not in the 'tune' mode, it works fine just straight through. That is still a good idea. Will check it out tomorrow. 73 Tom W7WHY Sent from my iPad
Hi Bob No, it matches the antenna just fine. SWR goes to zero. Then it starts to creep up after a few seconds. Then I can re-tune it back to zero again, but doesn't stay there. Thanks and 73 Tom 73,
I have 7 antennas here. It will drift on every antenna. There seems to be some confusion on my first posting. This is what I asked: "Hi I picked up an MFJ-989C tuner that has a problem (don't want to
Hi Jim The SWR meter works OK with the tuner not in the circuit. I can adjust the SWR down with a different tuner in series and it stays down fine. I've just about narrowed it down to the caps. I too
HI Wilson The coax jacks are already mounted with nuts and bolts to the inside of the tuner where there is no paint, just aluminum. The suggestion with the cliplead sound like a good idea. I'll give
i Kelly Figured it out and got it fixed. It was the cap. Not sure which one yet as I took them both out and replaced them with a couple caps from a homebrew tuner I had. Loaded 500 watts into it and
According to my translator, it says, "What size wench do I need to raise my SteppIr? 73 Tom W7WHY Roughly translated it means "How can I aim my antennas true north?" John KK9A _______________________
Be the pits to get to the top and find you brought the wrong size wrench Tom W7WHY Looks like he's changing a light bulb !! Now, invent a really long life bulb and you will sell at least a hundred !!
OK - so besides all the name calling, mud slinging, and flame throwing, what have we accomplished???? This got boring about a week ago!! 73 Tom W7WHY I think he made a perfectly valid argument about
HI All I have a 40 meter vertical dipole that i"d like to put a reflector behind (or maybe a switchable reflector/director combo). What I'm wondering is - do I ground the base of the reflector with r
Don is right on here. I could go over to NK7U and operate and probably do pretty well. KL9A could come and operate my station and make the biggest score ever from here. The op makes a huge difference
I was looking at the scores on 3830 from the ARRL CW DX test and saw this score from a QRP operator.: "Total: 1108 314 Total Score = 1,043,736 Club: Contest Club Ontario Comments: K3(5W), TA-33 @ 50'