Where are the SSB contacts? I would like to suggest that there may be broader implications. On any given day, more than 80% of all activity on the HF bands is in the digital modes and largely in FT8.
Dave, Without wading through the operation manual of your instrument I'm going to speak in generalities. Generally when measuring something like a cable or attenuator, it's nice to be able to measur
These were 24" RG400, N male on one end, PL259 on the other. Used outdoors to jump from a ground plate with SO239 Feedthrus to Heliax Type N female runs to the tower. Purpose to disconnect lines fo
Since the leads are (ideally) non-radiating, I would call them a transmission line. If you try to include them, then you run into stepped diameter issues, etc. On the whole, if this is HF and not VH
I think this violates some modelling guidelines. From the EZNEC manual: 1. The source shouldn't be placed on a wire which is shorter than about 0.02 wavelength, particularly if adjacent wires connect
I once owned a Tristao crankup tower that was six 10-foot sections and designed to be guyed. There were loose metal stops to be installed on the top rung of each section as it was cranked up. When
Not exactly what you're looking for, but might include it in your bag of tricks. Note: I have no association with this guy and don't own one, but I've been thinking about it. https://active-antenna