Hi Steve, You can probably obtain 24 ft lengths from either a chain link fence supply house or a metal supply shop. The metal shop would probably be less expensive. The standard length is 24 ft hot d
Please excuse the bandwidth but I promise to keep it short. Every once in a while I get an email from someone requesting that I register them or update/modify their information so I feel it is necess
It is unfortunate but the two databases were hacked into. No data was lost but a number of extraneous records were added. Unless you knew what to look for, you probably wouldn't even notice them but
Looking back in my notes, mine was just a hair over 10w. I tweaked each state as measured with an HP 435 while I was putting the kit together. Do not tweak the output of the LO with the mixer attache
Ed, Since the ARRL VHF Handbook is not in print, I checked the RSGB VHF Manual. They refer to a Cot (Co-Tangent) transformer which is two short pieces of coax used to transform a 50 ohm line to a 75
Try http://www.w1ghz.org Look for the BD2004 link. I run Paul's on WXP with no problems. Lee Scott - AA1YN http://www.aa1yn.com Home of the VHF & Up Register http://www.aa1yn.com/vhf Home of the VHF