The list of Logs Received for the 2001 ARRL 10 GHz and Up Contest has been posted at: If you find and error or omission, please contact me at: email: n1nd@arrl.o
As we progress with the ARRL Contest Robot project, we are able to add some new features, which will help all of us towards our goal of the most accurate results possible. To that end, we have today
It has been discovered that the entry category for some of the paper logs for the 2001 June VHF QSO Party were mis-entered into the database. Instead of using A for Single Op Low Power and B for Sing
The ARRL Contest Branch has announced that participation pins for two ARRL Contests - the September VHF QSO Party and the RTTY Roundup - have been discontinued. "We have reviewed the various pins pro
We have been asked to comment on several questions related to ARRL VHF/UHF contests. Nothing in our rules prohibits any specific mode or modes in VHF/UHF contests. We allow all modes in VHF/UHF conte
Hi Ken: Hope all is well. Are you aware that under the General Rules for all ARRL Contests, that it is not permissible to solicit contacts via non-amateur means during the contest period? Your email
It appears that the Back Up server in California that generates email receipts for ARRL Contest entries is currently not working. It appears to have gone down some time after Monday afternoon. The vo
ARRL Debuts Expanded Online Contest Coverage The ARRL is proud to announce the introduction of expanded online coverage of ARRL contests effective April 19, 2002. The URL for expanded ARRL Contest co
The list of Logs Received for the 2002 ARRL January VHF Sweepstakes has been posted at: If you find an error in your listing, please contact me at contests@arrl.
The list of Logs Received for the 2001 ARRL International EME Competition has been posted at If you find an error or omission, please contact me at or phne
I wanted to remind you that participants in the ARRL June VHF QSO Party are invited to add the comments, stories and photos to the ARRL On-Line Contest Soapbox area at:
At noon on Friday June 14, ARRL turned on an automated "Logs Received" page for the ARRL June VHF QSO Party. All properly submitted electronic logs that are receipted by the Contest Robot are automat
We are looking for a couple of really good, sharp photographs of VHF/UHF arrays that could be suitable for use in a several projects in the contest department. While we have some good dish photos and
I wanted to say "THANKS" to the dozens of people that submitted photos in response to the VHF/UHF request I sent out a couple of days ago. We are reviewing them and will be in touch with people as ap
Hi all: The Online results for the 2001 ARRL 160 Meter Contest and the 2002 ARRL January VHF Sweepstakes have been opened at: Many thanks to Will Roberts, AA4NC, for his
Announcing the ARRL Contest Rate Sheet Editor - Ward Silver, N0AX (email: The ARRL is pleased to announce the ARRL Contest Rate Sheet - to be published every other week by the AR
The On-Line for the 2001 ARRL November Sweepstakes are now available at: An announcement will be made next week regarding accessing Log Checking Reports for ARRL Contest
ARRL VHF/UHF Contesting and Awards Survey NEWINGTON, CT -- October 7, 2002 With a higher proportion of VHF-only licensees than ever before, one might expect that VHF/UHF contesting would be experienc
The Logs Received pages for the 2002 ARRL August UHF and September VHF Contests have been posted at These lists include all electronic and paper submissions. If you find