Gang, Up here in Western NY, the Rochester VHF Group does a few things to promote FM contesting, especially emphasizing on the January VHF Sweepstakes. First, we do use the established FM simplex fre
Well I guess it would be foolish of me not to get the rover out for this. It is all setup and ready to go. Look for me in FN12ef at 2400' asl. It is almost 2 hours from my house but I will get there
Gang, Here it is, the final blast for the n2jmh psycho rover. After spending years to improve the Blue Whale she will be making her final voyage as a rover. Plans are to dismantle her and move on to
Zack, Boy did you dig up an old picture, if you want to rove in style this is the way to go. Jim n2jmh That's very nicely done. I wish I could do that with a Toyota
Gang, Retiring from roving and have a few items for sale, this list has been out already but I have updated it this morning. It is available on request either in plain text or as a spread sheet for t
Bruce, I will be running it continually in my rover for the June contest starting in fn10, fn11, fn01, fn11, fn12, fn02, fn03 and fn13. I have not nailed down the times yet,, but will get them on the
Gang, I am doing a write up for our local club, the Rochester VHF Group Journal about roving. I want to include a list of links for any and all WebPages about VHF and above roving. I have tried vario