I bought a little SDR (AirSpyHF+) to play with. It works but I'm not about to actually use it as a real radio. Tuning with a mouse really sucks. I connected it to my K3 IF output and set the frequenc
I loaded my 2019 log (ADIF) for pre-fill and soon noticed that stations I worked that had moved from last year would not show up as being worked in the band map. They would pop up the red DUPE flag i
Yes, although I think any logged station that was logged in two different locations (on two different bands for example) would then show up as workable in the band map even if I had just worked it. N
I posted the note below on the CWops reflector about XIT offset for the "click n shoot" crowd. N4ZR then said that N1MM has such a feature built in (option). I'm not pushing for it, but wondering if
I thought the change in the RAC sections was so Jeff got his own section. 73, K6TD Jeff wasn't the first to do that. NNY comes to mind. And .. If you get your own section, why go QRP? Arrrgh! Thank G
Evidently only Don, AA5AU and myself have this problem. Don is trying to figure this out. Did anyone else find this problem? That is, using the WL RTTY RU module, QSOs are logged normally except the
Thanks! I haven't used 2T for several years. I tried the 64 version and it came up OK after i remembered to uncheck the -C box TX did not function. I can send text to RR OK from the F keys, but 2T on
Coming soon! I've been struggling with allowing FT8/4 in HQP for a couple of years. This year, I made a significant effort to allow the use of grid squares instead of the usual mult names for HQP in
I only use my remote station once in a blue moon. I tried accessing it again yesterday and was frustrated (again) by connection problems. Remote: K3 + KPA500 on COM2 Control site: K3 on COM6 Access i
Tonight I'll be taking my CW Academy beginner class over the rules and "how to" for the K1USN Slow Speed Test (SST). Hopefully I'll unleash them on Sunday for real. I've not done K1USN myself before.
I've been having trouble with WL Remote for some time. The remote is 2600 miles from where I live so it is not so easy to troubleshoot normally. However, I'm at the remote site now with an independen
In my earlier post about my remote problems, I noted that Winkeyer2 fails with my old Winkeyer. I thought it was because the Winkeyer is OLD but I have no idea how old since I'm not the original owne
I also agree. I setup the new K4 Sunday and used digital as a test bed. After making a few Qs manually I turned on the robot and let it do its thing. 98 Qs later I'm happy. Check log 73 Alan AD6E / K
Use the K3 driver. It works fine with the K4. I haven't tried the N6EE key mapping for using the K4 DVK yet but I think it should work. The K4 has more commands that could be utilized directly from W
What I said earlier is not quite true. Per K4 guru N6TV, the SWT commands for the K3 don't work with the K4. However, other commands are backward compatible. To access the K4 DVR, use PB1; thru PB8;
Jeff, I used DR in full SO2R mode for FT4. It worked fine although I'd like to see some improvements. Namely: 1) Reduce timeout from five tries (cycles) to two for contests (user selectable) 2) For t
I've used AUTO mode several times along with multi-streams ... outside of contests. I only do that when I get a pileup that won't quit. A strong EU or JA opening will do that although not so much rec
I'm going to take my new K4 to Field Day to show it off as well as show off Writelog to all the N1MM users. Has anyone set up a K4 to use the radio's internal DVR with Writelog yet? Some things work
OK, belay my last -- My error. The K4 commands work fine. About 30 seconds after sending my request for help, I found the problem. FYI: Macros through 10 are reserved for internal Writelog use. I had
Jim, There's no reason to even listen to the FTx tones. Just watch DR and click as needed. I played FT during the Hawaii QSO Party since that event exchange is compatible with WW Digi. I ran into an