Hmmm, Based on Microsoft's life cycles, you might want to consider making the break at Windoz 2000. Ric KV1W _______________________________________________ WriteLog mailing list WriteLog@contesting.
Got rid of the TS-50 a while ago, so this is from memory. I recall two pieces required. The unit that connected to TS50 had only a hex inverter, then, you needed another unit to convert this to RS-23
Hmm , My two radio set up uses one sound card and uses the left and right channels for the two rigs. Works FB I do use a second sound card for recording and playback of the whole contest. Ric KV1W (C
Rip, First, I use the W5XD, so have no direct experience, BUT when adding addresses to the .ini file, syntax is very important, for example, mine says: LPT2=0x378 for LPT2, 0x378 is the syntax for th
Jon, Go to Tools/Keyboard Shortcuts Go down to F11 and change it to entryclear This will now act as entry clear instead of CQ Ric KV1W After using WL by UPGrading for years, I just fresh re-installed
Tom You need to go back to your last FULL version, install that and then upgrade to the latest. Of course, you will need you registration number for that FULL version. If you run into trouble, I am s
Hi Bob, As long as the ones you want to use are defined in Windoz as COMxx teh WL can use them for any of it's CommSlot assignments by adding to the writelog.ini file. See Below: [Ports] CommSlot3=5
Dick I am in the process also I have been thinking about using ALL USB devices Got a neat USB to 8 Port serial Edgeport/8, was on this list by W8RY. and using USB devices for 2nd sound and 2nd video.
Sorry W7RY, darn fingers !! Ric KV1W Dick I am in the process also I have been thinking about using ALL USB devices Got a neat USB to 8 Port serial Edgeport/8, was on this list by W8RY. and using USB
Norman, In the Writelog.ini file ( in c:\windows or c:\winnt, depending on OS ) you will find this entry at the bottom: [Recent File List] File1=C:\Program Files\WriteLog\contest\arrldxph04.wl File2=
Rick What I have generally done is use the record on the fly feature and use another Fn key so when you say it the first time you can then use it over again. Works pretty smoothly once you get in the
Rich I am in the same search. Bought the Creative USB Sound Blaster and it had a 6b score. It does work to pass mic, BUT when you plug line in into it to, for exp, record the contest, it disables the
Kevin In the Writelog V10 Program section ( Start/Programs/Writelog )there is an application called Soundboard mixer control. Bring it up nad at the top you can sellect the sound board to use for var
Dick Both will work fine Here's some hints In the BIOS the onboard may be set to automatic, you need to switch to enable so it doesn't sense the new one and siable itself as it will if auto is select
I would also appreciate the help on this. On my new XP machine I get the Java Virtual Machine can't be loaded, class not registered message and of copurse never get to the point of loading the regist
Thanks to all Cabrillo now running again Ric KV1W Hi Bill and the group, As you will have already seen, it would appear that Cabrillo Tools has now gone QRT. As for the JAVA Runtime Environment, you
With respect to sound cards: I just bought a new HP with XP Media Center with the same ( 6b) problem. I tried an external USB ( Creative SoundBlaster Live External ) and it was also only 6b but, I co
While I haven't done the new SSB messages, my read is that, in setting up, you get to pick, either record with ShiftFn OR use the second set of messages. For my money, the 10 I have is fine and I rec
Joe, DCU-1: the COMM port is set to 4800 baud, no parity, 8 bits, 1 stop bit. No INI settings affect this. This explains the problem, but offers no 2400 baud solution Ric KV1W Hello, I am still fight
Jim I have used these, BUT the current version of the HELP file, under DCU-1 clearly states that no .ini entries affect that device. So, I assumed that that was the final answer on that one. Would be