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New SS Section ?

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: New SS Section ?
From: gussam@voyager.newcomm.net (Gus Samuelson)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 1996 20:04:45 -0400 (AST)
For all the SS ops ..  what is the status of Newfoundland & Labrador
as a NEW section.  New Section manager sez that we are now a separate section
and don't have to sign Mar in the exchanges.
Managed to get on briefly for SS CW and did sign a few Reports on 15m
AS NF until got challenged by some one who insisted Mar !! What do I know ?
So any body know what if any changes are applicable to the SS report for
Newfoundland & Labrador ?
 Is our New section manager off the wall ( I have my  own opinion)
 and does this now mean that 78 wasn't a clean sweep ?
Yoiks that would break a lot of bubbles !!
Guess I want to get it right if I give a few reports in the Side Band
Mebbe some ARRL type can elucidate.

      Gus Samuelson                e-mail   gussam&voyager.newcomm.net
      P.O. Box 38 Site 4 RR # 1    packet   VO1MP@VO1AAA.#ENF.NF.CAN.NOAM
      St. Phillips, Nfld.
      Canada A1L 1C1

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