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[Amps] RF Ground for 2nd Floor

To: <>
Subject: [Amps] RF Ground for 2nd Floor
From: (Geo Clute W7LFD)
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 15:45:02 -0700
Huh?  The number 6 copper is tied to the utility ground rod.  This is a single 
wire to the ham shack with all equipment...including call director, 
transceivers, television computers, fax machines, DC power supplies, stereo, 
VCR, UPS...etc  The tower ground system is over 40 foot from the utility ground 
and it is not feasible to connect the single point ground, however I mounted a 
ten foot seamless, stainless steel pipe on top of the tower with the last 
antenna over 7 foot away from the top...Lightning Rod.  Certainly this is no 
formula for absolute safety.  But then have you ever tried to control 10KV D.C 
coupled with a parasitic and predicted the path results?

The incidence of  lightning strikes here is not as great as other parts of the 
country. In 26 years at this location all known strikes here on the island have 
been to 120 foot fir trees.  Also, the water table is quite high 
that it only takes a few minutes to fill a dirt hole.
Geo W7LFD 

The ground you put in the concrete i.e. the rebar would not be optimum.
Concrete is a very good insulator. The common 8' copper clad steel grd rod
is hard to beat. "The more the merry" .  also single point ground system.
Try to get the neutral in your panel box at near the same potential. Plug a
one wire connector to the ground connector of a outlet an connect it to your
station ground wire. You do not want different potentials during a lightning
strike.  Imagine you were standing five feet from a tree that is about to
get a direct lightning hit. If you had your feet 20 or thirty inches apart
the voltage at you left foot would or might be 100,000 volts as the current
dissipates the father it gets from the tree your right foot may have a
potential of 30,000 volts the difference is 70,000 volts  that would blow
thru a pair of nike tennis shoes and you with not much problem. If your
station is plugged into a grounded outlet that runs 100' to your service
entrance and you have a separate ground rod out your window and a 10' wire
there will be difference in potentials .  REMEMBER SINGLE POINT GROUND

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