Hmmm, 'minimum is under 1.2 to 1' ? that makes me wonder --
1.2 to 1 seems pretty tight, what would the VSWR bandwidth be?
Makes me ask a question -- I have an FL-2100B, I bought it used and it seems
to work FB, but I checked the input coil alignment and found one band (20 m
if memory serves me correctly) that I could not bring down low enough to
really make me happy. I think it was 2 - 3 to 1 at best. (I don't think any
were as low as 1.2 to 1). What do I look at to improve this? Is it likely
to be the adjustable inductor? Or would it be easier to replace one or both
or the tuned input capacitors?
Rick, WD8JJA
----- Original Message -----
From: "rlm" <>
To: "Ed" <>; " AMPS" <>
Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2003 7:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Amps] Tuned Input
> >I want to make sure I am right here. Tune the input for best SWR
> ** Yes, provided the minimum is under 1.2 to 1. If it's not, the Q of
> the tuned input needs to be pumped up,
> >and maximum
> >Grid current or ????????? ...........73
> >
> ** Tune for max RF out with whatever drive level produces the rated max
> anode current. Max out always results in a reasonable amount of
> grid-current because if too many electrons are diverted to the grid,
> fewer electrons arrive at the anode and output drops.
> cheers, Ed
> - R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734, AG6K,
> end
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