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Re: [Amps] Parallel Diodes

To: "Harold B Mandel" <>, "AMPS" <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Parallel Diodes
From: rlm <>
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2003 04:20:24 -0700
List-post: <>
***  I wrote about series-connected diodes and the inadvisability of 
paralleling the diodes with so-called "equalizers".  

>If memory serves me correctly, a Mr. Rich Measures wrote
>an engineering article about the merits and pitfalls of parallel
>diodes some years ago.
>Power supply circuits of the '80's included a 470K, 5-watt,
>1-percent, metal film resistor AND a 0.01uf mica capacitor
>paralleling each diode device.
>>From what I remember Mr. Measures spoke of potential
>pitfalls surrounding transient pulse accumulated deterioration
>and the ability to withstand high current inrush after such
>deterioration, but it's been maybe fifteen years ago.........
>My suggestion, based on having to design bulletproof power supply
>systems for the telephone and wireless environment is to bite
>the bullet and invest in a device over-rated for the service,
>in terms of voltage and current. Ask what damage, and what costs
>would be incurred should the marginal design fail and you will see the'
>head-end investment is worthwhile.
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