I just built a "mini" amp, using 8*FU-50(same as Russian GU-50)in push-pull
GG, it without HV transformer,
I add two HV RF transformers( using HV and high temprature teflon wire
winded )at in/out put port to isolate the HV.it seems work great.And very
cheap and light.But I have never find
any commercial produts using simalr design, and few ham design and build
the amp like this.I don't know the reason.
Is it duo to safety problem?but I know many old clour TV set with "hot"
chassis to, and isolated HV with HV cermic capacitor .
73! Hsu
Maybe I can not say clearly, the HV supply is voltage-multiplying circuit. I
think it is most inexpensive and light HV PS unit.
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