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[Amps] Again about toroid core for L-section of Pi-L

Subject: [Amps] Again about toroid core for L-section of Pi-L
From: Mike Bondarev <>
Reply-to: Mike Bondarev <>
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2006 23:25:52 +0300
List-post: <>
Hello! I'm building my own h.m. PA with GU-84B tube. The output tank
will be a Pi-L network. I just got few T225-2B toroids (I Powder,
2.25" O.D. x 1.0" Height) for my L-coil. I wonder what is the maximum
power rating for each core? If two in stack will be enough or do I
need 3 in stack? I expect to have 3000V plate voltage and 1.5A plate
current on peak.

Regards, Mike RL3BM

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