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[Amps] Sigma XR-3000D

To: <>
Subject: [Amps] Sigma XR-3000D
From: "Bill Gaines AD8P" <>
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 2009 11:34:55 -0500
List-post: <">>
I have an old Sigma XR3000D I have had since they came out 25 years ago or 
more. It ran a pair of 3-500 tubes and operated from 160 thru 10 meters. Other 
than a beefy power supply and solid band switches it was pretty much otherwise 
an amp that would constantly require TLC. It has been sitting on my shelf since 
I bought a Ten Tec Centurion to replace it. Due to heat (under rated cooling 
fan) the main tank coil broke/cracked. Anyone out there in cyberspace have one 
of these jewels and parting it out? I suppose a coil covering 160 thru 15 
meters might work just so it is physically the same size or close.

Bill AD8P
mycall at wcoil dot com
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