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Re: [Amps] What tube is this?

To: Alek Petkovic <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] What tube is this?
From: Roger <>
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 2010 14:48:28 -0500
List-post: <">>
Thanks all,

Alek Petkovic wrote:
> GU81M
It was the GU81. I had forgotten about the grid connection on top.
> Available at
Fairly reasonable, but there's probably not much demand for a glass 
bottle that big or in that configuration any more. I wonder how high in 
the HF range it'll go.
> Or maybe it was the GK71
> Available from the same source.
I didn't remember the GK71 being that tall either.
I see he has new 813's for $25 USD and I have a project underway using them.

I had looked at his page at least three times as I was sure that was 
here I had seen the tube I was looking for, but for some reason I kept 
missing it.


Roger (K8RI)
> 73, Alek. VK6APK
> At 03:25 PM 8/03/2010, Roger wrote:
>> A while back I saw a surplus glass Russian tube that resembled an 813 on
>> steroids. It was claimed to run a KW without requiring forced air. I've
>> seen glass tetrodes that are supposed to go a KW and resemble the
>> 4-1000A, but that's not it. IIRC the plate resembled an 833 as to shape,
>> but the tube is round and long like an 813 although it runs considerably
>> more power.  The socket appeared to be a "twist lok" type. It was
>> relatively inexpensive, but a great one for those "glow in the dark"
>> projects.  They even had sockets listed, but try as I might, I've not
>> been able to find the site or tube. BTW the I remember the site had both
>> tubes and sockets.
>> Any thoughts? Any ideas as to what tube?  What site?
>> Thanks,
>> Roger (K8RI)
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