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[Amps] 'Good engineering'

To: <>
Subject: [Amps] 'Good engineering'
From: "Jim Thomson" <>
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2010 07:01:34 -0700
List-post: <">>
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 07:30:45 -0700
From: James Colville <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] 'Good engineering'

I'm sure glad I have a delete key. And a spam box.

Oh... And by the way Jim (VE7RF).... The legal, moral, fair, and gentlemanly
allowable power output here in the US is 1500 watts.

Jim W7RY

##  That's funny.  The fellow at AES tells me the big slugs
for the BIRD/CD  line sections were literally flying off the 
shelves that week  I ordered 5 x of em.  [ mine were small to big]
There was a big contest coming up apparently. 

##  legal limit here is  2250 w pep on ssb.... measured across a Z
matched load.    The load is the ANT.   Allow  for just .5db line loss
[11%].. and now I gotta  generate 2.5 kw... just to get  2250 w 
at the top of the tower !   Now if feedline loss is 1 db [21%],
now I have to generate 2848 w pep... to get 2250 w pep to top 
of tower. 

##  Kinda  tough  for me to generate 2.5 kw.. much less 2848w
from a 8877, without putting the IMD into garbage land. 
2 x 8877's  is just not cost effective..even Chinese 8877's.  

## legal limit on AM  is  800 W  cxr.    That's 3.2 kw pep.. with  100%
pos modulation.. and 4 kw pep.. with  125% pos modulation....
and 4.8 kw pep.. with  150%  modulation.  

##  To get 4.8 kw pep  to the  top of the tower  with just 1 db of 
feedline loss [21%]  requires the amp to put out 4800/.79=6075 w pep. 

## typ tank eff on the high bands is 50-60%, on a linear amp. That
requires a lot of anode diss.  Now if you want to dabble with quasi
class A modes.. and superb imd... u need even more anode diss. 

##  What tube do you suggest I use ??   BTW... CTR surplus is selling
YC-156's  for  $125.00 .. but  you better  hurry, he doesn't have many left.   [419] 683-3535.   Arnold Howell, of Howell tube sales,
has abt  26 x YC-156's left. [ youngstown, ohio]    CTR is also in Ohio. 

##  what's moral, ethical, or gentlemanly  to run 1.5 kw into  6 x yagi's on
a  big tower.. with an ERP of  8-15 kw  ???   And then scream into the mic
for 48 hrs straight, making thousands of useless qso's ?? 

##  meanwhile, 2 kw into an inverted vee on a noisy 160/75m  band, 
during summer months... is  a... 'no-no' !  

Jim  VE7RF   
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