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Re: [Amps] GI-7b amp

Subject: Re: [Amps] GI-7b amp
From: Steve Wright <>
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2017 08:09:36 +1300
List-post: <>
On 08/11/17 09:03, Stan Gammons wrote:
I was looking at "The Everyham's Amplifier" in the latest handbook and it 
mentions using a pair of GI-7B tubes.  I have a pair of these I was going to use for a 
Clipperton L conversion, but I changed my mind. I've seen some comments saying the IMD 
performance of the GI-7B isn't very good.  Is this correct or is the GI-7B a decent 
choice for a homebrew amp?

You've seen those comments because of a very small fringe group (here and elsewhere) choose to push their own religion of cleanliness - so much so that other hams hesitate.

Don't feed their narcissism.  Just build it.  You'll have fun making it and using it.


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