> VP2/WJ2O had a great idea: He was the only station in the contest sending
> "5NN NN". I don't suppose that will work next year.
I also liked S59KW - The report is in the call! :-)
>From Rus Healy <0006147675@mcimail.com> Thu Feb 23 16:18:00 1995
From: Rus Healy <0006147675@mcimail.com> (Rus Healy)
Subject: 6Y5 operating
Message-ID: <34950223161843/0006147675NA4EM@MCIMAIL.COM>
My company is making me go to Jamaica for a week in March, just
before WPX Phone. Bummer, eh? :')
Anybody have recommendations for places to operate and other details
pertinent to 6Y5 (such as licensing)? If so, please respond directly
to me at rhealy@mcimail.com.
For the non-HF crowd, I'm planning to take with me at least a 6-meter
radio, so I can play radio a little bit even if I can't set something
up for the contest.
Thanks in advance for any info.
--73, Rus, NJ2L
>From Marijan Mileti} <Marijan.Miletic@ijs.si> Thu Feb 23 18:59:50 1995
From: Marijan Mileti} <Marijan.Miletic@ijs.si> (Marijan Mileti})
Subject: S5 WVE CW scores
Sri abt poor format but this message goes via PR to Internet! TU Mr. Soros, USA
73 de Mario, S56A, N1YU.
email: Marijan.Miletic@IJS.SI
Hi Contesters,
Here are some early claimed PR scores from SCC members.
Call Band QSO Pnts Mult Score Xcvr Ampl. Antennas
S51QA 15m 515 1545 47 72,615 TS-690S 300W 4 el. delta loop 9m high
S56A LP 496 1485 116 172.260 IC-735 SB-221 TH6DXX,402BA,78m Windom
S59AA SOAB 588 1761 131 230.691 TS-850S 1.5 kW KT34-XA,402, HALF SLOPERS
S50D M/S 1963 5889 189 1,113,021 IC751A SB220 TH6DXX, SLOPING DIPOLES
S59KW 80m 508 42 64.000 FT-901 1.3kW SLOOP. DIPOL + BEV.
S51W 80m 394 1182 45 53,190
S50C 80m 419 1257 39 49,023 IC-735 TL922 Slooped dipol
I included rig info as it makes our scores looking much better!
>From milewski@OREGON.UOREGON.EDU (Steve Milewski) Thu Feb 23 18:18:15 1995
From: milewski@OREGON.UOREGON.EDU (Steve Milewski) (Steve Milewski)
Subject: FW: K4VX (W9WI, op)
>2) How do other U.S. operators deal with W's answering your CQs? At
>times I had pileups of W's about 3-4 deep, occasionally failing to stand by
>when I answered a DX station. Early on, I just worked them without logging
>them, but it just seemed to encourage more W's to call. But with some W's,
>even blatantly calling CQ DX didn't get rid of them. Ideas?
>73 Doug W9WI/4
>opr. @ K4VX, ARRL DX CW, 20m. single-band
> ---------
>I think the problem with working W's and not logging them is that some of
>them may be working towards WAS or 5BWAS and think they are going to
>get a QSL. Think about it....if they don't know this is a US/VE to DX
Perhaps confusion in figuring out which DX contests allow you to work VE
and USA for multiplier credit but no QSO points.
Remember, not everyone is a die hard contester and it's many of the casual
operators who help add to these contests. They may not be paying as close
attention to the nuance of every printed contest rule as we might.
A pain ? Yes. But it's a reality. I consider myself a pretty aware
semi-serious contester and still have to re-read each contest's
particulars. Not everyone is going to do this but we need them in the tests
In fact, the latest CQ contest survey acknowledges this aspect with the
explanation about using 59 exchanges in contests. Meaningless? Yes. But
easy enough for the casual contester.
To illustrate our own "closed-shop" atmosphere - I point to Trey's
suggestion for beefing up the Novice Roundup a few weeks ago. This is not a
flame, BTW.
The suggestion was to pair up a novice or tech plus with a veteran
contester. The final score was some weird iteration of 3 times the novice's
score plus the veteran's score, etc. Someone who's just getting involved in
contesting wants to make contacts not do math.
I think this is the reason the ARRL HPM /125 operation was so successful.
Lots of stations to work with no out of the ordinary record keeping.
This doesn't help with what to do with the W stations that call during the
ARRL DX test but might give a clue as to another reason why it occurs.
Steve Milewski
Ham: AA7FL
*** Stumps don't lie! ***
>From Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH@TGV.COM> Thu Feb 23 19:12:17 1995
From: Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH@TGV.COM> (Trey Garlough)
Subject: to sign or not to sign
Message-ID: <793566737.724392.GARLOUGH@TGV.COM>
> 5. Not the DX station? Tuned into a pileup and the center of attention has
> not signed his call? Don't send a mere "?". Dump in your callsign! When he
> comes back to you, DON'T send him the exchange right away. Instead,
> innocently ask for his call: "CL?" He will send it, because now he is hooked
> for completing the QSO.
No, no, no. Don't do this. Rather than saying "CL?" and leaving the guy
hanging, it would be much better to say "CL? 5NN whatever" and wrap up the
QSO ASAP without breaking the station's cadence. The guy will send his call,
unless he is a moron, in which case there is nothing you can do anyhow.
If you do what Eric describes, then the station will send his call which is
tantamount to him saying QRZ? and you will have to fight your way through
the pack again to work him.
Here is something else *not* to do: send "5NN whatever CL?" This is also
because the sharp DX op is waiting on his hair trigger finger to give a QRZ?
as soon as he hears the "5NN whatever". Since you have elected to send CL?
after the 599xx, which is his cue to transmit, you will transmitting CL? while
he is transmitting his call. Not optimal. The DX station will ignore your
subsequent CL? pleas until he would normally send his call again.
--Trey, WN4KKN/6
>From laurence@lsi-logic.co.uk (Laurence Mason) Thu Feb 23 19:14:55 1995
From: laurence@lsi-logic.co.uk (Laurence Mason) (Laurence Mason)
Subject: RSGB 7MHz CW Contest 25/26th Feb
Message-ID: <9502231914.AA27457@lonfs01.lsi-logic.co.uk>
This weekend is the RSGB 7MHz CW contest. The UK works the rest of the world.
1500 GMT Saturday 25 Feb to 0900GMT Sunday 26 Feb.
Exchange RST and serial number. UK stations will also exchange 3 letter
county code (which act as multipliers for overseas stations)
Score: Europe 5 points, Oceania 30 points, All others 15 points. Only contacts
with UK count for points. Multiply by number of counties worked.
Logs to RSGB HF Contests Committee
c/o S V Knowles G3UFY
77 Bensham Manor Road,
Thornton Heath
Closing date for overseas logs 17 April 95.
If anyone wishes to submit electronic logs please send them to me at
the address below. I will acknowledge all logs received because I
suspect some of my e-mail seems to find the bit bucket with too much
ease - so if you do not get a reply please drop me another note.
If anyone has any questions let me know.
Laurence G4HTD for the RSGB HFCC