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WPX CW Weekend

Subject: WPX CW Weekend
From: kw4t@erols.com (Dan Weisenburger)
Date: Sun Feb 9 03:17:49 1997
Hi Y'all,

Maybe it's time to move the WPX CW to the last weekend in April.  Condx
are usually better and now that Dayton's in May, then more of us in the
U.S. can be in the 'test instead of the ususal family gatherings and

I know that with my limited time to be in the contests I have to limit
it to the "Big Ones" and WPX is a pretty big one.  As a very little
pistol (100 watts, and wires in trees, subdivision lot) having constant
propagation to someplace makes the contest fun and I always regret not
being able to "go out and play".

Steve, please let us know what the chances are of such a move.

73 from Lake Moneysgone, Dan, KW4T

>From vr2bg@asiaonline.net (VS6BrettGraham)  Sat Feb  8 04:29:25 1997
From: vr2bg@asiaonline.net (VS6BrettGraham) (VS6BrettGraham)
Subject: Asia-Pacific Sprint reminder: tonight!
Message-ID: <199702080429.MAA04970@asiaonline.net>

The Asia-Pacific Sprint Contest Committee would like to announce the latest
running of this spectacular radiosporting event - note changes in the rules:
Objective: For stations outside the Asia-Pacific region to work as many
           Asia-Pacific stations as possible within the 2 hour time limit.
           For stations inside the Asia-Pacific region to work as many
           stations as possible, anywhere in the world, within the 2 hour
           time limit.
           (A complete list of the Asia-Pacific countries is defined below)
Awards: Winners for each DXCC country & CQ zone will get a really cool
        Asia-Pacific Sprint T-Shirt.
        (Winners must have at least 5 QSO's in the log & only one T-Shirt
        will be given to a station if both country & zone are won)
      Mark your calendar now - future Asia-Pacific Sprints will be held:
      Summer (SSB) - 2nd Saturday of June: 14 June 1997
      Fall   (CW)  - 3rd Saturday of October: 18 October 1997
      Spring (CW)  - 2nd Saturday of February: 14 February 1998
Time: 1230-1430 UTC
Bands: 20m & 40m only
Suggested frequencies: CW  - 14030-14050 & 7015-7040 kHz
                       SSB - 14250-14280 & 7060-7080 kHz
Mode: Spring & Fall - CW only
      Summer - SSB only
Power limit: 150W output
Entry categories: Single operator, Single radio only
Contest exchange: RS/RST + Serial number beginning with 001
Duplicate contacts: Same station may be worked only once on the per band
Multipliers: Prefixes per WPX rules (once only - not once per band)
QSY rule:
 CW  - called station (usually CQer) QSYs at least 1 kHz after a QSO
 SSB - called station (usually CQer) QSYs at least 6 kHz after a QSO
Final Score: Number of QSOs x Multipliers
Asia-Pacific countries for this contest:
  (coutries from Asia side PacificRim to 180 degrees longitude):
3D2(all), 1S/9M0, 9M2, 9M6/8, 9V, BV, BV9(Pratas), BY, BS(Scarborough),
C2, DU, FK8, FW, H4, HL, HS, JA, JD1/Ogasawara, JD1/Marcus, T8/KC6(Belau),
KH2, KH9, KH0, P29, T2, T30, T33, UA0, V6, V7, V85, VK1-9(all except
VK9X & VK9Y), VS6, XU, XV/3W, XX9, YB, YJ, ZL(all except Chatham & Kermadec)
Results will be posted to: CQ-CONTEST@TGV.com
                           CQ Contest Magazine
Rules and results will be distributed by an automated info-server.
Send a request e-mail to: info-contest@dumpty.nal.go.jp
with the command in the body:  #get ap-sprint.rule
All entries must contain complete QSO information plus a summary sheet
indicating your claimed score, CQ zone & T-shirt size.  Entries without a
summary sheet may be treated as a checklog. Electronic logs are gladly
accepted by e-mail!  The log & summary sheet must be in ASCII format (no
binary files, please). Sample entry format is shown below.
Post your entry to:
JAs - Tack Kumagai     non-JAs - James Brooks
      POB 22                     26 Jalan Asas
      Mitaka                     SINGAPORE 678787
      Tokyo 181
Email: 9v1yc@equator.lugs.org.sg
Entry deadline:  E-mail - 72 hours after end of contest
                 Post - Postmarked no later than 7 days after contest
Sample Summary Sheet
CALLSIGN USED:                        COUNTRY:
OPERATOR     :                        CQ ZONE:
- --------------------------------------
NAME                    CALL
City   :
Postal Code:
Sample Log
Any ASCII file output from CT/TRLOG/NA/ZLOG etc logging software
will be accepted.
                                   SENT     RCVD    MULT
20   09/30/95  1310    JE1CKA      599001   599017  JE1   1
40   09/30/95  1312    9V1YC       599002   59916   9V1   1
40   09/30/95  1316    VS6BG       599003   59922   VS6   1
20   09/30/95  1317    JE1JKL      599004   599031        1
20   09/30/95  1317    K4ZW        599005   599005  K4    1
73, VS97BrettGraham - not VS9ZBG - vr2bg@harts.org.hk

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