----- Original Message -----
From: "Ron Notarius WN3VAW" <wn3vaw@fyi.net>
> The core, key question remains: Has SO2R operating evolved to the point in
> any given contest as to justify it as a separate category?
That's sort of like asking --
"Has electronic keyer operating evolved to the point ......"
"Has directional antenna operating evolved to the point ....."
"Has computer logging evolved to the point ....."
"Has hired gun operating evolved to the point ....."
The answer to all these questions is a single simple sentence: "As long as a
Single Operator operates without crib sheets, outside spotting, or any other
real-time assistance, that entry is classified as a Single Operator."
That leaves EVERY operator free to develop new skills, techniques, hardware,
strategies, and tactics which give them an advantage over others who do not
bother with such efforts. What could be more fair?
73, de Hans, K0HB