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[CQ-Contest] Re: [RTTY] Fun with ADIF

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Re: [RTTY] Fun with ADIF
From: k4ww@arrl.net (Shelby Summerville)
Date: Thu May 8 20:36:10 2003
K4SB <k4sb@earthlink.net> wrote: "Still a relatively simple solution."

Relative = to a relative degree or extent : SOMEWHAT
Simple = readily understood or performed

At least for me, the words "relatively simple" do not belong in any
instruction regarding anything concerning a computer! I have been following
this thread with interest, as I would like to make it "relatively simple" to
have the State included in the import from my contesting program(s) into my
"regular" log. Nothing I have read, and I admit to being completely computer
illiterate, has seemed "relatively simple"?

C'Ya, Shelby

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