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[CQ-Contest] Another very sad news to tell you, AH0K/JR2GMC went SK

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Another very sad news to tell you, AH0K/JR2GMC went SK
From: JE1CKA Tack Kumagai <je1cka@chofu.jaxa.jp>
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2007 00:10:15 +0900
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
To All

I once reported my good frend JA1PCY's SK in last September.
And the other day, N6ZZ passed away.

I had to tell you another very sad story again.
A very good friend of mine Masa, AH0K/JR2GMC passed away yesterday 

He had been very active as a key member of JA2YKA in 1980's then 
I recruited him for KH0AM in 1990. We made good effort until 1996.
That KH0AM M/M project was terminated by my wife's death.

He had been a JIDX contest committee member for long time and 
helped us a lots.

I asked him to join the 9M4SDX DXpedition to Layang Layang, he 
willingly joined us together with his wife. But his health 
condition went bad in Jan/Feb, so he gave up to go with us. 
Then he had been hospitalized in mid Feb for one month. I 
tried to contact with him when I returned from 9M4SDX but I 
got this bad news.

Tack Kumagai, JE1CKA
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