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[CQ-Contest] Fw: QSLing

To: CQ-Contest Reflector <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Fw: QSLing
From: Bob Kupps via CQ-Contest <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Reply-to: Bob Kupps <n6bk@yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2016 02:52:21 +0000 (UTC)
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>

Paper QSL cards are an anachronistic waste of time, money and trees IMO and I 
applaud the ARRL for LOTW.
73 and HNY bob HS0ZIA

      From: Bill Parry <bparry@rgv.rr.com>
 To: CQ-Contest@contesting.com 
 Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2016 6:50 AM
 Subject: [CQ-Contest] QSLing
I just finished my QSLing duties for the months of December and November.  I
ended up with about 150 cards to the Outgoing Bureau.  I have always QSLed
100% to cards I get via the bureau because I remembered how I I loved to get
cards back when I was younger. It is a sort of a chore these days.  I have
thousands of QSLs and I don't need them anymore. I printed out the cards and
look into the ARRL website and find that the Board of Directors has approved
a substantial increase in cost. For years the bureau has been the QSLing
route of choice of young folks and people without a lot of money, since the
cost was very nominal. Now, when I calculated the cost of using the bureau
it is $1.15 per ounce and a $7.00 service charge.  In my case $23.10 for
less than 150 QSLs. (This doesn't include the cost of the stamps to get the
cards to the bureau.)


I have been a life member of the ARRL since 1979 (and I might add a major
supporter). When I paid the membership fee it was substantial for a young
school teacher.  Now I am finding that the ARRL is continually reducing the
value of the Life Membership by continually adding charges for things that
used to be free. 


I believe that the ARRL is so invested in LOTW that they are trying to force
everyone to use it instead of paper QSLs. I love LOTW and use it for ALL my
QSLs but a lot of DX still don't use it.  Not sure what the solution is.
Maybe I'll just start tossing the incoming bureau cards in the trash (no I
won't do that). I am very disappointed in this decision by the Board of
Directors. Another one of the "services" that are no longer services but are
something you have to pay for.  I am sure glad my cost of my prescriptions
aren't set by the Board of Directors.


Bill W5VX

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