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[CQ-Contest] UK/EI DX CW contest - 29/39th April 2023

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: [CQ-Contest] UK/EI DX CW contest - 29/39th April 2023
From: Chris GM3WOJ <gm3woj@christran.net>
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2023 06:59:45 +0100
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>

*UK/EI DX CW Contest – 29^th /30^th April 2023 - 1200 to 1200z

HF contesters worldwide are invited to take part in the UK/EI DX CW contest on the last weekend of April 2023.

This contest is a partnership between the *UKEICC*, the *RSGB*, the *IRTS* and the *GMDX* Group.

The contest runs from 1200z on Saturday 29^th April until 1200z on Sunday 30^th April.80m to 10m, CW only.

Everyone can work everyone else for points and multipliers, but a good score can only be achieved by working as many UK and EI stations as possible. (There are 155 possible mults in UK + EI)

Seehttps://www.ukeicc.com/dx-contest-rules.php <https://www.ukeicc.com/dx-contest-rules.php>for the full rules in English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Polish and Dutch.

Cabrillo logfiles should be submitted via the online log submission robot within the /24-hour log submission deadline/. Electronic adjudication allows the *provisional* results to be online shortly after this 24-hour deadline.

73The UKEICC team
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