Could someone clairify the QSO points for the SCC contest for me..
Looking at the web site rules I see the following:
- One (1) QSO point for contacts within your own DXCC or WAE country;
I understand this one
- Two (2) QSO points for contacts within your own continent but outside your
own DXCC or WAE country;
I understand this one
- Two (2) QSO points for contacts between different W, VE, VK, ZL, ZS, JA and
PY call areas, LU provinces and Asiatic Russia UA9/UA0 oblasts;
This one gives me trouble. In reading this If I have a contact with a
station in say VE1 would that contact count for 2 points or would it
be 4 points. Is it
Two (2) QSO points for contacts within your own continent but outside your own
DXCC or WAE country;
Two (2) QSO points for contacts between different W, VE, VK, ZL, ZS, JA and PY
call areas, LU provinces and Asiatic Russia UA9/UA0 oblasts;
A. I'm N2 and I'm working VE2 so the second line is true
B. I'm in K and working VE its my own continent but outside my DXCC so
the first line is true
So is it 2 points or 4 points?????
- Three (3) QSO points for contacts outside your own continent.
Now if I combine this with the above does that mean I get 5 points if
I work VK1????
Would I get 2 points for rule #2 and 3 points for rule #3
73's Rick N2AMG
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