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To: <dezrat1242@ispwest.com>, "Jacques RAMBAUD" <f6bki@wanadoo.fr>
Subject: Re: [RTTY] RITTY vs MMTTY
From: "Jack West" <w7ld@olypen.com>
Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2004 08:43:04 -0700
List-post: <mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
Hi Bill,
     Ron, W7NN, said the exact same thing about RITTY as you just did.  I
visited him
just after he had set a record in the ARRL RU.   I witnessed a demo of that
program at his QTH.   Bottom line..."He wouldn't be with out it!"
de Jack / W7LD / "Lucky dog"

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Turner" <dezrat1242@ispwest.com>
To: "Jacques RAMBAUD" <f6bki@wanadoo.fr>
Cc: <rtty@contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2004 6:00 AM
Subject: Re: [RTTY] RITTY vs MMTTY

> On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 07:21:22 -0000, Jacques RAMBAUD wrote:
> >Hello, I see  some people are still using K6STI  RITTY
> >software , how does it compare with MMTTY ?? side by side,
> >never had the chance to do it
> >Thanks
> >Jacques F6BKI
> _________________________________________________________
> For several years I have had my main contest computer running WriteLog
> with the MMTTY engine and a second computer running RITTY by K6STI
> with the same audio feed for receive only.
> While MMTTY is pretty good at decoding, RITTY is clearly better.
> Whenever MMTTY prints garbled text, I glance at the RITTY computer and
> it usually gets it right, unless the signal is just too weak or
> covered with QRM/QRN.  In fairness to MMTTY, there are occasional
> times when it decodes better than RITTY, but the vast majority of the
> time it's the other way around.
> I once asked K6STI if RITTY had to be a DOS program and he replied
> yes, because in DOS he could address the sound card directly, whereas
> Windows acted as an intermediary and the timing could not be made good
> enough.
> I wouldn't be without it.
> --
> Bill W6WRT
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> RTTY@contesting.com
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