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[RTTY] NAQP 2013 score summary

To: rtty@contesting.com
Subject: [RTTY] NAQP 2013 score summary
From: Lee Roberts <ham@n0sq.us>
Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2013 17:04:03 -0700 (MST)
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
           NAQP RTTY 2013 Score Summary Sheet

       Start Date : 2013-02-23

    CallSign Used : N0SQ
      Operator(s) : N0SQ

Operator Category : SINGLE-OP
             Band : ALL
            Power : LOW (100W)
             Mode : RTTY/FSK
Overlay Category : OVER-50
 Default Exchange : LEE NE
       Gridsquare : DN81EU

             Name : LEE
             Country : USA

     ARRL Section : NE
        Club/Team : None
         Software : N1MM Logger V13.1.3

        Band    QSOs    Pts  Sec
         3.5      43      43   25    0
           7      41      41   24    1
          14      63      63   28    0
          21      39      39   22    1
          28       1      1    1    0
       Total     187     187  100    2

            Score : 19,074
              Rig : TS2000

         Antennas : TA-33SR, 40m and 80m dipoles (homebrew)

         Software: N1MM/MMTTY/WinXP running in VirtualBox on Linux host

          Soapbox : It took some time to learn how to use the N1MM/MMTTY combo 
but I guess I didn't do too bad in the contest. I operated for 8 hours. But, I 
need to set something up so that I know when the contest ends - time flies when 
you're having fun. Anyway, it seems that the AFC function doesn't always help. 
I'm not sure if that's why I had difficulty figuring out if someone was 
replying to me or to someone else since I believe that by the time the AFC 
kicked in the callsign didn't display. Part of the problem is that some people 
believe in short exchanges so they modified the default exchange to drop the 
callsign at the end of the transmission (i.e. they sent the format <N0SQ 
whoever-state> instead of <N0SQ whoever-state N0SQ>). Also, tuning was sharper 
than I'm used to and it seemed like the software tuning displays couldn't keep 
up with rapid tuning - I felt that it was easier to tune in a signal with my 
old Kam. At least I remembered to leave the amp turned off thi
 s time.

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